Multi-millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson reveals 10 ‘life-changing’ tips for getting ‘perfect’ SLEEP – as he describes how transforming his nighttime routine has helped him look and feel YEARS younger

Multi-millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson has revealed his top 10 tips for getting more sleep – detailing how eating early and resting in low temperatures has helped his sleep.

The tech mogul, 46, has amassed millions of fans – and an equal number of critics – for his bizarre and shameless attempts to back down, including swapping blood with his son, 17, and tracking his erections.

Now the biohacker has shared his extensive advice to help you sleep more peacefully and look years younger.

In a YouTube clip Titled “How I Fixed My Terrible Sleep,” he shared that becoming a “professional sleeper” with a consistent bedtime and “relaxation routine” could transform your life — and help you cling to your youth longer than you ever could. had thought conceivable.

Multi-millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson has revealed his top 10 tips for getting more sleep – detailing how eating early and resting in low temperatures helped improve his sleep

The 46-year-old tech mogul has amassed millions of fans – and just as many critics – for his bizarre and shameless attempts to set himself back.

Now the biohacker has shared his advice to help you sleep more peacefully and look years younger

“Sleep gives you superpowers,” he explained in the video’s caption. It’s… the most important thing I do every day.

‘I’m going to share with you 10 things that will change your life. “I’ve had trouble sleeping my whole life and I just recorded what is possibly the best sleep score in the history of mankind,” he said at the start of the video.

He first noted that you had to identify as a “professional sleeper.”

Bryan explained that today’s “grind culture” was foolish and that by making your rest your top priority, your life would be “easier” and you would look better.

“Level two is having a consistent bedtime. This is very important because you are telling your body that we sleep at this time every day,” he added.

The biohacker said that you should try to aim for an early meal so that you can go to bed earlier.

For his third tip, Bryan said to develop a “relaxation routine” that will help you prepare for bed each night.

“I would encourage you to create a ritual, read a book, take a walk, do a favorite hobby, but avoid screens and anything that gets you excited, don’t argue and don’t deal with difficult problems to tackle,” he added.

He then told you to ‘eat early’, before revealing he had his last meal of the day at 11am.

He first noted that you had to identify as a ‘professional sleeper’

Bryan explained that today’s “grind culture” was foolish and that by making your rest your top priority, your life would be “easier” and you would look better.

He emphasized that this did not mean others should do the same as him, but he did say that heavy meals before bed should be avoided.

Bryan’s fifth piece of advice is to “avoid stimulants or anything that can disrupt your sleep, including alcohol and caffeine.”

As a sixth tip, he said that you should regulate the light you had in the evening.

“The next thing you need to do is control the light at night, so a few things to keep in mind is that I have an app on my computer that eliminates blue light from the screen,” the biohacker added.

He recommended wearing blue light glasses when looking at TV screens.

Bryan then said to “maintain an ideal temperature” while you slept.

He explained that while he couldn’t suggest a specific number, you should make sure you weren’t “too hot or too cold.”

Bryan also said that you should create a “peaceful environment” for your sleep by making sure your home is quiet and not doing anything other than sleeping in your bedroom.

Finally, the biohacker advised you to get natural light within an hour of waking up.

The biohacker noted that you should try to adjust your mealtime so that you can go to bed earlier

According to the anti-aging biohacker, his long-term skincare routine is working and he has already aged

The Californian tech mogul has made headlines for his controversial and ruthless attempt to live forever, spending around $2 million a year on age reversal regimes, going by the name ‘Project Blueprint’.

After spending a total of $6 million to reverse his physical age, he claims to have turned the clock back five years.

He also spoke about his skincare routine, saying he tries to minimize the time he spends in the sun by only going outside when he can, early in the morning or evening, when the UV index is low is.

According to the anti-aging biohacker, his long-term skincare routine is working and he has already aged.

“My skin age was 64 on one of the markers, and on my recent reading I think it was between 37 and 42,” he said.

Bryan says he now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the fitness of an 18-year-old after taking on the highly regimented program in 2020.

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