Multi-millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson, 46, reveals unique lifestyle hacks that have enabled him to reverse his HAIR LOSS and get rid of ALL his grey hairs

Multi-millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson has claimed that his expensive anti-aging lifestyle has not only shaved years off his age, but also helped him reverse his hair loss and eradicate his gray hair.

Johnson, 46, who became famous for his $2 million-a-year anti-aging regime, admitted he started going gray in his late 20s.

He now urges everyone to take care of their hair before they start losing it. He notes that “many people” wait until they see their hair thinning rapidly before taking action.

“When you’re in your early 20s, mid 20s, it’s a good time to start realizing it’s important,” he urged. “Otherwise it’s harder to catch him.”

Johnson – who claims to have lowered his age by five years in his quest for youth – detailed his four hair-saving tips in a recent YouTube video, explaining how he keeps his luscious locks from turning gray.

Multi-millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson has claimed that his expensive anti-aging regimen has not only shaved years off his age, but also allowed him to reverse his hair loss (seen at left before he started the regimen and right after)

Johnson, 46, who became famous for his $2 million-a-year anti-aging regime, admitted he started going gray in his late 20s – and has been battling it ever since

Johnson – who claims to have lowered his age by five years in his quest for youth – detailed his four hair-saving tips in a recent YouTube video, including using a red light therapy cap

Red light therapy mask

Johnson’s hair care treatment begins with wearing a red light therapy cap for six minutes every morning to simulate hair follicle growth.

“It has 32 laser points that you put on the head and turn on, it’s battery powered so I can walk around and do my morning routine without having to sit down,” he explains.

‘It increases blood flow and also stimulates hair follicle activity.’

Johnson said studies on the treatment’s effectiveness were “pretty good.”

“It’s not the most powerful treatment we do, but it’s still part of the stack and so all these little things add up,” he explained.

Topical formulation

After using the red light cap, Johnson uses a formulation to simulate hair growth.

‘I apply this topically to my scalp daily. You’ve probably heard of topicals like Rogaine and minoxidil five percent,” he explained.

‘Both are effective.’

Johnson added that his team had added a “ton of other goodies” to the topical formulation, which can be prepared by a compounding pharmacy

Johnson added that his team had added a “lot of other goodies” to the topical formulation, which could be prepared by a pharmaceutical pharmacy.

‘So we published this recipe and you can share that recipe with the pharmacy and have them make it for you,” he suggested.

“It’s a hassle, I know, but it’s the only way to get it done.”

Johnson applies the formulation once a day, but the biohacker said you can apply it twice a day in the Morning and evening, for a more intense approach.


In addition to his other treatments, Johnson uses microneedling to enhance the benefits.

Although the youthful wannabe admitted he wasn’t “consistent” with micro-needling at first, as he and his team were trying so many other treatments at the time as part of Johnson’s Blueprint protocol.

“It got pushed out a little bit,” he admitted.

“We think it’s effective, we think it’s a good thing too, we’re also a little concerned because I was doing so many things for my hair,” Johnson explained, noting that he also receives platelet-rich plasma injections ( PRP) and microneedling. the time.

In addition to his other treatments, Johnson uses micro-needling to enhance the benefits

Johnson started going gray in his late 20s, and recalled being “basically completely gray” in his late 30s (photo before starting Blueprint)

Basic care

Johnson urged everyone to exercise general caution with their hair.

This included not combing too hard or pulling too hard on the hair follicles.

“Don’t comb too hard (and) don’t pull the follicles very hard — it’s delicate, so just be gentle (with your hair),” he suggested.

Reversing gray hair

Johnson began going gray in his late 20s, and recalled being “basically completely gray” in his late 30s.

Although some external factors may have contributed to that, with the millionaire admitting that they didreally depressed at the time.

Tech mogul biohacker Bryan Johnson’s hair-saving treatment

Johnson’s team came up with a topical formulation to reduce his hair loss, which can be offset by a compounding pharmacy.

The formula consists of:

Caffeine USP 1%

Finasteride USP 0.25%

Minoxidil USP 5%

Azelaic Acid 1.5%

Diclofenac 0.5%

Tea Tree Oil 5%

Rosemary oil 0.37%

Ginkgo Biloba 0.05%

Biotin 0.01%

Melatonin USP 0.0033%

“It was a crazy time in my life,” he remembers.

‘I was building Braintree, Venmo, I I had three little babies, I was in one challenging relationship, trying to leave my born into religion – (I had) a lot going on.”

The tech mogul – who now sports dark-colored hair – tried ‘many things with his team to reverse his gray hair.

“We have largely failed in the past,” he said. ‘We have been successful this year.

Johnson boasted that “now” a lot of people have asked if he dyes his hair.

“Going to the salon, using a chemical process – I’ve done that before in my 30s, but I haven’t done that in the last year,” he said.

Instead, he uses two formulations to achieve gray-free locks, stressing that this has helped increase color production in his hair.

“We did a biopsy on my hair, we looked under the microscope and we see that the color is produced under the scalp – so it really works,” he enthused.

‘One of them contains a herbal extract that has a color and you can see that in my hair.’

Johnson uses GR7, an anti-gray and anti-hair loss treatment from a British company, which he applies three or four times a week.

To accompany this, Johnson uses Mayraki, which contains herbal extract that contains some color as part of the formulation.

Johnson also talked about his skincare routine, sharing that he tries to minimize the time he spends in the sun by only going outside when he can, in the early morning or evening.

The Californian tech mogul has made headlines for his controversial and ruthless attempt to live forever, spending around $2 million a year (pictured in 2018)

For anyone unsure where to start, Johnson suggests using a formulation with just five percent minoxidil Rogaine.

The Californian tech mogul has made headlines for his controversial and ruthless attempt to live forever, spending around $2 million a year on age reversal regimes, going by the name ‘Project Blueprint’.

After spending a total of $6 million to reverse his physical age, Johnson claims to have turned the clock back five years.

Johnson also talked about his skincare routine, sharing that he tries to minimize the time he spends in the sun by only going outside when he can, in the early morning or evening when the UV index is low is.

According to the anti-aging biohacker, his long-term skincare routine is working and he has already aged.

“My skin age was 64 on one of the markers, and on my recent reading I think it was between 37 and 42,” he said.

Johnson now has the heart of a 37-year-old, the skin of a 28-year-old and the fitness of an 18-year-old after taking on the highly regimented program in 2020.

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