Disturbing claim boy, 13, begged passers-by for help after he was allegedly raped by a father-of-three at knifepoint in Mt Druitt train station park

A young boy who was allegedly raped at knifepoint in a Sydney park begged passers-by for help after the terrifying attack, a court has heard.

Father-of-three Malik Ahmad was reportedly denied bail on Wednesday after allegedly luring a 13-year-old boy from Mount Druitt train station to a nearby park shortly after 1.15am last Thursday.

He allegedly threatened and raped the boy with a knife, after which he fled in a white van.

The boy then desperately flagged down drivers asking where the police station was so he could report his alleged attack, the court heard.

Police arrested Ahmad at 6.20pm on Tuesday on Duke Street in Mount Druitt.

“He was taken to Mt Druitt Police Station where he was charged with aggravated sexual intercourse with a child between the ages of 10 and 14 and intentional sexual contact with a child between the ages of 10 and 16,” a New South Wales Police spokesperson said.

Ahmad’s lawyer, Aqib Javed, told the Mount Druitt District Court that his client plans to fight the charges. Sydney Morning Herald reported.

He argued that the father of three should be released on bail to support his pregnant wife and that he could not get adequate treatment for a gunshot wound to his leg.

Malik Ahmad, 33, was reportedly refused bail on Wednesday after allegedly luring a 13-year-old boy from Mount Druitt train station (pictured) to a nearby park shortly after 1.15am last Thursday.

He allegedly threatened the boy with a knife and raped him, after which he fled the scene of the crime in a white van.

He allegedly threatened the boy with a knife and raped him, after which he fled the scene of the crime in a white van.

However, the prosecutor strongly opposed bail, arguing there was no evidence of a gunshot wound.

She said the prosecution relied in its case on high-quality surveillance cameras, which captured Ahmad and his alleged victim at different times.

Judge Bree Chisholm refused to grant Ahmad bail, saying he was accused of a “disturbing, opportunistic attack on a vulnerable child” and the prosecution’s case was “overwhelming.”

“It is in the public interest that he remains in custody,” she said.

Ahmad’s wife, to whom he has reportedly been married for 14 years, wept outside the courtroom.

He will appear again in Penrith District Court on October 18.

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

National Sexual Abuse and Redress Support Service 1800 211 028