Motorists of traffic regulations will be fined $200 for breaking in Victoria

Motorists of traffic regulations will be fined $200 for breaking in Victoria

  • The right lane is for overtaking
  • Many motorists do not realize this
  • The police act

Unaware drivers are being fined with fines and demerit points for annoyingly ignoring a minor traffic rule that some drivers say is little more than courtesy.

Police are reprimanding drivers along Victoria’s Surf Coast Highway for taking up the right lane on a dual carriageway.

At least five drivers have been caught driving on the track on Wednesday and Thursday, which by law may only be used when overtaking.

Some drivers drove slowly, while others drove at the limit, and all were fined $192 and received two demerits.

Vic Roads states that on multi-lane roads with a speed limit of 50 mph or higher, the right lane is only for overtaking, turning right, or when the roads are congested.

Surf Coast Police have cracked down on Victorian drivers for staying in the right lane, which is illegal on all roads above 50mph

This driver was 'just tired' when asked why they are breaking the law

Although this driver was following the speed limit, he was driving in the wrong lane

Five drivers along the Surf Coast highway were fined $192 and received two demerits for seizing the right lane, which is the maximum penalty

Police shared the excuses they heard from drivers after pulling them over.

One driver said they were unaware of the rule as officers fined them $192 and two demerits.

Another thought it was fine because they went ‘for the 100’, but they were also penalized.

A third driver tried to ask police if they were serious as officers wrote out the fine and awarded demerit points.

Their last catch of the day said they were just tired because they got the same punishment.

Patrolling officers followed each offender for more than a mile before pulling them over and handing out the maximum penalty for the offence.

Photos of the victims were uploaded to their Eyewatch – Surfcoast Police Service Area media page, sparking some skepticism from one commenter.

“Increase revenue,” they said with a dazzling emoji.

“Yeah no – quite a serious safety issue,” the Surf Coast police responded.


What do you think of people who drive in the right lane?

  • I honestly don’t care… 4 votes
  • They’re in my way! 10 votes

People agreed and praised the police for finally cracking down on inconsiderate drivers.

‘No, it’s because they actually listen to what the community wants. The majority of people are tired of hoggers in the right lane,” one said.

“As an ambo, I’m too often frustrated by cars and trucks in the right lane that are in la la land and won’t give way to us while our lights and siren are working to reach someone in need,” another replied.

“Can you please patrol the Bellarine Highway, I promise you will be very busy,” one person suggested.

Others in the comments wondered what excuse it was for a driver to say he wasn’t aware of the rule.

‘Rules are rules, which we had to learn during our driving tests in order to pass our licences. I don’t understand how people seem to forget about them after driving for less than six months,” they asked.

A Sydney woman tried this excuse in 2017 when she was pulled over for ‘driving too slowly’ in the right-hand lane.

The woman, whom the Daily Mail prefers not to name, pulled out her phone and filmed the ordeal, threatening to “expose” the violent police.

“Absolutely disgusting behavior by the police. I will have you all exposed and reported, pull me over for no reason,” she captioned the video on Facebook.

While it is unknown if she was also fined $192 and two demerits, she did receive a hail of derision from people siding with the police.

The video was quickly removed.