Mother with terminal cancer evicted from South Windsor rental

A mother with terminal cancer has been evicted from her rental home and could be homeless as she undergoes surgery to find out how much time she has left.

Jodi Hunter, 48, from South Windsor, NSW, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January and doctors told her it was terminal.

For her son Thomas, it was as if a ‘comet’ had struck the family.

“We’ve been through dramas, but the difference with this one is that instead of losing a house, a business or assets, it’s a person,” he said.

Doctors do not yet know what stage Mrs Hunter is in and will operate on her in November to find out more.

Jodi Hunter, 48, from South Windsor, NSW, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January and doctors told her it was terminal

But in a major new blow, the family received a statutory 90-day eviction notice without cause from their Church St home in late August.

The message reached them after months of chemo treatments for Ms Hunter, and the timing means they may be left without a place to live when she returns to hospital.

The family are looking for another rental property, but Mr Hunter said covering the deposit has been a ‘challenge’ for them.

Mrs Hunter’s husband Dale said if they couldn’t find something quickly the family would be left homeless.

The real estate agency representing the landlord has been contacted but has not responded to queries at the time of publication.

NSW allows a 90-day notice period for groundless evictions, although the government wants to reform the law.

The family has set up a GoFundMe to help them with their move, which follows years of struggle and hardship.

Ms Hunter has dealt with a range of complex medical conditions in her life, including fibromyalgia and osteoporosis.

But in a major new blow, the family received a statutory 90-day eviction notice without cause from their Church St home in late August.

Mrs Hunter’s husband Dale said if they couldn’t find something quickly the family would be left homeless

Tom, 23, said she had not been granted NDIS help so far, but the family had reapplied for help.

“You can be as resilient as you want, but sometimes you get to a point where you have to ask for help,” Tom said.

“I already feel so blessed with the help we’ve had.”

The family has set a goal of $10,000 and received more than $1,000 from 18 donations on Friday.

The Hunters have three sons together and Dale has a son from another relationship.

Mrs Hunter praised her “beautiful” husband and three sons for helping her through the “stressful” days.

‘It’s not fun, you have to do what you have to do, but I have been very lucky. “I have a beautiful husband and three sons who take care of me,” she said.

“I couldn’t do it without them.”

For Tom, his mother is the ‘toughest’ woman he knows.

“She’s so strong,” he said.

The Hunters have three sons together and Dale has a son from another relationship

“She’s obviously distraught and sad, but I’ve never met anyone who could probably beat the Unbeatable.”

Mrs. Hunter’s maiden name was Smith, and when she married Mr. Hunter, she joked that she got the “Smunter power” that kept her going.

“Nothing can stop us, we have the power of Smunter,” she said.

“No matter what happens, we can do this. Work it out, plan the plan, day by day, and we just keep going.”

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