Mother with gay child confronts Muslim preacher who said gays are ‘filthy’ in a vile Facebook post

An irate mother with a gay son has confronted a controversial Muslim preacher who labeled LGBTQ people as “filthy” and told him, “How dare you judge them.”

The passionate woman called Mohamed Shaar after Daily Mail Australia revealed several vile comments he made about gay people.

Among other things, they lobbied for banning World Pride visitors from Uber drivers and praising Russia for passing anti-LGBTQI laws.

She told him, “I have a beautiful son and a granddaughter who are gay. How dare you judge them – you don’t even know them.

Mohamed Shaar labeled gays ‘nasty’ and claims ‘Allah created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve’

The majority of Australians – 67 per cent – ​​voted yes to same-sex marriage.

“You can be sure that many more of those who didn’t vote yes may disagree with marriage, but they don’t hate gays like you.

She then suggested he ‘move back to your own country if you don’t like what we have here’ – prompting Mr Shaar to burst out on Facebook about how he had grown up in Australia.

In a furious tirade, Mr Shaar shared a recording of the mother’s voicemail message and labeled her an ‘animal’.

“I grew up here and my grandchildren and I’m more Australian than this piece of shit,” he said.

“I serve the Australian people who are really Australian good people and I believe this land is mine so if you want me out no problem just pay for me to leave and buy somewhere else and I’ll go, but you can’t keep my mouth shut.’

Mr Shaar, who works as a naturopath and authorized wedding celebrant at the Sydney Ruqyah Center in the west of the city, labeled gays “nasty.”

Last month, in response to a post from Uber advertising their ‘pride ride’ during the gay pride festival, Mr Shaar posted: ‘Dear Uber drivers, especially the Muslims fear Allah and do not work with Uber’.

Mr Shaar urged Uber drivers not to work during the gay pride because of the company's support for the festival

Mr Shaar urged Uber drivers not to work during the gay pride because of the company’s support for the festival

He also shared a screenshot of an alleged children’s drag queen event on the Facebook page of the Canterbury and Bankstown Libraries, alongside a video criticizing a poster of a “furry” man in leather bondage wearing a teddy bear head , lying on a bench with a pride flag and beer can in central Sydney.

Mr. Shaar’s accompanying caption reads, “Shame on this human race, shame on this government for showing these filthy people.”

The controversial “kink and BDSM-inspired” WorldPride mural was later vandalized with white and black paint.

The words ‘leave the children alone’ were also scrawled on the side. The police are currently investigating.

There is no suggestion that Mr Shaar was involved in vandalizing the mural.

Mr. Shaar regularly criticizes LGBT issues

Mr. Shaar regularly criticizes LGBT issues

Shaar, also known as Abu Hamza, shared a BBC news video yesterday reporting on a law passed by Vladimir Putin’s brutal regime that bans any mention of LGBT culture or people.

“Good for Russia,” Mr. Shaar wrote on his personal Facebook page.

He has also shared posts promoting an upcoming rally on Saturday, March 18, which claims to “stand up against the moral decay of our society.”

He has condemned LGBT people to hell.

He also shared a video of a pro-LGBTQ drag performer allegedly mocking Islamic prayer.

‘May Allah swt [sic] curse this people and hell will await them,” the caption read.

Mr Shaar is an authorized wedding celebrant at the Sydney Ruqyah Center in the west of the city

Mr Shaar is an authorized wedding celebrant at the Sydney Ruqyah Center in the west of the city

At the start of the gay bride festival on Feb 17, Mr. Shaar posted: ‘Today is the first day of the curse of Allah yes and for the next 13 days and inshallah till the end of time.

“The amount of sick people in this world still don’t understand that Allah swt created Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve

“Keep your children informed about the haram and the curses of this people.”

Revelers arrive at the Bondi Beach Party for Mardi Gras last Saturday, where Nicole Scherzinger headlined

Revelers arrive at the Bondi Beach Party for Mardi Gras last Saturday, where Nicole Scherzinger headlined

A spokesman for Sydney Queer Muslims responded to Mr Shaar’s comments: “We pray that our haters will find peace.”

For those of us queer Muslims who have stayed with the faith, do so by developing and strengthening our personal relationship with God.

‘This reconciliation has come about through research into the stories of the prophet Lot and an interpretation that is in line with the values ​​that the Qur’an brings, namely mercy, compassion and justice. We pray that our haters will find peace.”

Mr Shaar made headlines last year when he claimed Covid-19 didn’t exist, but then left fighting for his life in the hospital after contracting the Delta strain of the virus.

Despite preaching to his followers that vaccine shots were ineffective, Mr Shaar was rushed to hospital in an ambulance after showing worrying symptoms.

At the time, those close to Mr Shaar confirmed that he was ‘in bad shape’.

Daily Mail Australia has approached Mr Shaar for comment.

Sydney World Pride festival organizers have been contacted for comment.