Mother criticizes ‘despicable’ Biden for laughing at the death of her children by fentanyl


A mother who lost her two children to fentanyl poisoning sneered at Joe Biden by laughing at the claim that his policies could be to blame for their deaths, saying in a video message last night: ‘How dare you?’

Rebecca Kiessling’s sons, Caleb and Kyler, died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were painkillers, but they were laced with fentanyl.

Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the children would be alive if “the government secured the border.”

Last night, Biden invoked the Kiessling story to mock Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Affairs Conference: “The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] He drank wine during the last administration, haha.

Kiessling, in a video posted online Wednesday night, reacted to his comments with fury.

‘Is that how you speak of the death of my children? Because a congresswoman was wrong? Do you mock the loss of my children? she said.

Rebecca Kiessling in a video recorded last night that she posted on Facebook. She criticized Biden for laughing at her story and demanded an apology.

Kiessling's sons, Caleb and Kyler, died in 2020 between the ages of 18 and 20 after taking a pill they didn't know was laced with fentanyl.

Kiessling’s sons, Caleb and Kyler, died in 2020 between the ages of 18 and 20 after taking a pill they didn’t know was laced with fentanyl.

‘How dare you. What is the matter with you. Almost every Democrat on the committee offered their condolences, at least they had the decency to.

‘Can’t you even do that? Do you have to make fun of my pain?

She also pointed to the rise in fentanyl deaths across the country since Biden took office, saying: ‘My children died about six months before he became president.

“There have been failed policies by many administrations for too long, ever since there was an increase in drug deaths due to fentanyl. This has been a problem for a long time.

‘[But] What about the 22% increase in fentanyl deaths since he became president?

Kiessling testified before Congress earlier this week about the deaths of her children.  Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said the Biden administration was not doing

Kiessling testified before Congress earlier this week about the deaths of her children. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said the Biden administration was doing “nothing” to stop fentanyl deaths among young people.

Fentanyl overdose deaths have skyrocketed since 2019

Fentanyl overdose deaths have skyrocketed since 2019

‘That represents tens of thousands of US citizens who died on his watch, an increase of tens of thousands. That represents twice that number of parents who are suffering.

‘Are you going to keep laughing? About those who died on your watch? Do we have to bring them so you can look them in the eye and laugh?

‘What’s the matter? This is unacceptable. Our president needs to apologize to me and he needs to be held accountable.

‘I would like you to show serious concern for the lives lost. Her behavior today says a lot and he tells you where her heart is.

‘Do something. Don’t be a coward. Do something.’

Kiessling also appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show to blast critics who have suggested that his children, and anyone else who uses drugs, are to blame for the crisis.

“I was really upset by the guy from the Cato Institute who said that the problem is demand.

Kiessling on the graves of their children.  The couple died in July 2020.

Kiessling on the graves of their children. The couple died in July 2020.

Kiessling testified that she did not know what fentanyl was when her children died and that they were taking what they thought were painkillers.

Kiessling testified that she did not know what fentanyl was when her children died and that they were taking what they thought were painkillers.

‘That’s part of the rhetoric I’ve heard…they were doing something illegal, so they deserved to die? Of course I taught my children not to use drugs.

They listened to it more than anyone because their birth mother was a drug addict.

“But they experimented anyway and unfortunately over 100,000 are and are dying.”

“I was really appalled by some of the rhetoric I heard from Democrats saying that they had heard a lot of ‘scaremongering.’ 110,000 died in 2021. We have reason to be afraid, ”he said.

She blames the crisis on China, which has been criticized for contributing to the fentanyl trade. China is the main manufacturer of chemicals that are often shipped to Mexico and used by cartels to produce fentanyl.

Kiessling wept Tuesday as she pleaded with Congress to crack down on the flow of fentanyl across the border.

Kiessling wept Tuesday as she pleaded with Congress to crack down on the flow of fentanyl across the border.

In 2019, the Chinese government cracked down on the production and distribution of fentanyl itself, in a move that was hailed by President Donald Trump.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is imposing sanctions on China now in an effort to do more to stem the flow of the drug.

Earlier this month, fourteen Republican senators urged him to do more in a letter led by Marco Rubio.

In his testimony earlier this week, Kiessling sobbed that more was done for a “weather balloon” than to protect children from the fentanyl trade.

‘If we had Chinese troops lined up on our border with guns pointed at our cities… you would know full well that you would do something about it.

‘We had a weather balloon from China fly across our country. No one died and everyone is scared about it.

‘But 110,000 die every year and nothing is done. You talk about children being separated from their parents. They took my children from me.

‘This should not be politicized, it is not about race. Fentanyl doesn’t care about race.

“They are welcoming drug traffickers across our borders and giving them protection, but they are not protecting our children,” she said furiously.