Mosman: Why this photo has sparked uproar in one of Australia’s wealthiest suburbs

A photo of a Bentley parked in a space reserved for a ‘small car’ has caused a stir in one of Australia’s most elite suburbs.

The debate erupted when the photo was posted to Mosman Living’s Facebook page, showing the blue luxury vehicle parked in a shopping center on Sydney’s Lower North Shore.

Captioned ‘Amazing what a small car there is in Mosman these days’, many community members were quick to laugh at the post claiming the car is too wide to fit on a property.

“Mosman has such first world problems,” one person wrote.

The debate began when the photo was posted to Mosman Living’s Facebook page, showing the prestigious blue vehicle in the car park of a shopping center in Mosman, located on Sydney’s Lower North Shore.

Opinion poll

Should a Bentley be allowed to park in a ‘small car’ space?

  • Yes – If it fits 60 votes
  • No, it’s too big 48 votes
  • Who cares: it’s a first world problem 29 votes

The average cost of one of the British-made vehicles is about $300,000 new.

Many locals argued that the Bentley is too big for the allotted parking space for a small car.

“Close to the line on the right…if he opens his door or the person on the left opens his or her door there will be damage,” one person wrote.

Another said the park was a ‘bit of a wild parking lot’, but admitted the Bentley fit.

Others in the community saw the post as trivial.

“Did those extra ten steps upset you so much that you felt the need to cry about it on Facebook?” said one.

“Have a cup of cement, buddy,” a second joked.

“Your jealousy aside, the car fits, so what?” said another.

Mosman is surrounded by water on three sides, making it one of the most desirable and expensive suburbs in the country

Mosman is surrounded by water on three sides, making it one of the most desirable and expensive suburbs in the country

Mosman is surrounded by water on three sides, making it one of the most desirable and expensive suburbs in the country.

According to data, the average house price is $5.194 million, with a unit costing a median of $1.3 million.

The average household income for Mosman is $169,218, compared to $72,204 for the rest of Sydney.

Taronga Zoo is also located in the wealthy suburb.