Moscow’s strip clubs are hit by Putin’s war as wealthy Russians flee abroad


Moscow’s strip clubs are hit by Putin’s war as wealthy Russians flee abroad to avoid being called up to fight in Ukraine (while conscripts get two free dances before going off to die)

  • At Golden Girls in Moscow, numbers started to decrease from February
  • Lucky Lee, owner of club, is offering special deals to men conscripted by Putin
  • Lee said that the men are offered two private dances and drinks free of charge
  • They are offered these after they show the clubs their mobilisation summons







Striptease clubs in Russia have been hit by Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine as some men are called up to fight and others – including the rich – flee abroad.

Client numbers ‘started to decrease from February, and by last Saturday, after mobilisation, had dropped by 60 per cent,’ complained Lucky Lee, owner of Golden Girls venue in Moscow.

Now his club is offering special deals to men conscripted by Putin.

Pictured: Lee who is running a ‘promotion’ which allows men two free drinks and two free dances if they show proof of conscription

‘We offer them two private dances free of charge once they show us their [mobilisation] summons…and two free drinks,’ said Lee, a Kazakh-born Russian businessman, who is also president of Russian Striptease Clubs Association.

‘People go to fight in the war, to perish, to die, and we must inspire them with creativity.

‘Women must inspire men so that they protect motherhood.’

His special promotion is called ‘We Are Together’, he said, ‘and he recommends all clubs in his association to join it.

‘This already gave us a 10 per cent increase in visits.’

But he blamed the overall slump in demand for striptease clubs on a mass exodus from Russia of wealthy men fearing the Putin draft.

‘There is an overall decrease in the industry because rich people left Russia,’ he said.

‘The wealthy are saving themselves.

‘I am just back from Turkey – it’s full of rich Russians, like Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

‘So the men left in Russia, they will die tomorrow.

‘So let them at least have a drink for free, let’s support them….’

But he blamed the overall slump in demand for striptease clubs on a mass exodus from Russia of wealthy men fearing the Putin draft. ‘There is an overall decrease in the industry because rich people left Russia,’ he said. Pictured: An advertisement 

He told how ‘the day before yesterday a mobilised man came with his wife’ into his club.

‘They realise that they are bidding farewell to each other, that he might be killed in a month, or two or three.

‘And he is telling her: ‘Enjoy this beauty, let’s go and make some babies.

‘You’ll watch this sexy beauty of the striptease, you’ll get excited, and at least you’ll have a baby left’.

She vowed to use the state handout if he is killed to pay for their child, said Lee.

‘She said: ‘I’ll use the money paid for your death to raise the baby….

‘So that our baby becomes a peace keeper’.

‘This is what women are telling their husbands in our club.’

A manager named Dmitry, at another club, called Striptease, said: ‘We are having 50 per cent less men coming now.

‘I link it to the events of February this year [when Putin began his invasion of Ukraine].

‘Since it started there have been fewer and fewer visitors.

‘Not by 20 per cent or 30 per cent, but by 50 per cent – it is very noticeable indeed.’

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