More than 30 people die as fire breaks out on ferry in Philippines disaster

More than 30 people, including a six-month-old baby, have died after a fire broke out on a ferry carrying about 250 passengers and crew in the southern Philippines.

Many of the rescued had jumped in panic from the MV Lady Mary Joy 3 on Wednesday evening at the height of the blaze and were plucked from the sea by the Coast Guard, Navy, another ferry and local fishermen off the southern island of Basilan.

But about 10 of the victims drowned, while another 18 people were found in the burnt-out wreck in the early hours of the morning.

Authorities say the death toll now stands at 31, but they fear this could rise further as they are still searching for at least seven missing passengers.

Officials are yet to determine the cause of the blaze that started off Basilan Island around 11 p.m. local time on Wednesday, when many passengers slept in air-conditioned cabins on the ferry’s lower deck.

Pictured: Philippine Coast Guard sprays water on a fire aboard the Lady Mary Joy 3 during a search and rescue operation in the waters off Baluk-Baluk Island, Basilan Province

The MV Lady Mary Joy 3 is on fire

Survivors sit on the beach as the Lady Mary Joy 3 burns behind them

Many of the rescued had jumped in panic from the MV Lady Mary Joy 3 at the height of the fire and were plucked from the sea by the Coast Guard, Navy, another ferry and local fishermen

Philippine Coast Guard personnel pluck a survivor from the water near a burning MV Lady Mary Joy in Basilan, southern Philippines, on Thursday

Philippine Coast Guard personnel pluck a survivor from the water near a burning MV Lady Mary Joy in Basilan, southern Philippines, on Thursday

The burnt-out ferry was towed to the shoreline of Basilan, where Coast Guard personnel and other authorities discovered 18 of the bodies in a budget section of the passenger cabin, Governor Jim Hataman said, adding that the search for the ship continued.

“These victims died on board because of the fire,” he said.

He added that an investigation is underway and the discovery suggested there were more travelers who were not listed on the ship’s manifest.

There were conflicting figures on the number of passengers on the ferry, which was not overloaded, but the Coast Guard said 230 people, including 35 crew members, were rescued.

The ferry was en route to the town of Jolo in Sulu province from the southern port city of Zamboanga when it caught fire near midnight near Basilan, he said.

At least 23 passengers were injured and taken to hospital.

Some passengers were awakened from their sleep by the commotion caused by the fire. Some have jumped ship,” Hataman said.

Commodore Rejard Marfe, chief of the coast guard in the southern Mindanao region, said most of the passengers were asleep at the time of the blaze, adding that there was chaos.

“I thought I was dreaming, but when I opened my eyes, it was dark and we were surrounded by smoke,” survivor Mina Nani, 46, told DZRH.

She said she survived by jumping off the ship and sharing a float with another passenger before they were rescued.

Philippine Coast Guard responds Wednesday evening to the fire incident aboard the MV Lady Mary Joy on the waters off Baluk-Baluk Island, Hadji Muhtamad, Basilan, Philippines

Philippine Coast Guard responds Wednesday evening to the fire incident aboard the MV Lady Mary Joy on the waters off Baluk-Baluk Island, Hadji Muhtamad, Basilan, Philippines

Philippine Coast Guard personnel search for survivors of the fire on MV Lady Mary Joy

Philippine Coast Guard personnel search for survivors of the fire on MV Lady Mary Joy

Pictured: The burnt wreck of the passenger liner MV Lady Mary Joy is seen off the coast of Basilan Island, in the southern Philippines

Pictured: The burnt wreck of the passenger liner MV Lady Mary Joy is seen off the coast of Basilan Island, in the southern Philippines

Pictured: The burnt wreck of the passenger liner MV Lady Mary Joy is seen off the coast of Basilan Island, in the southern Philippines

Pictured: The burnt wreck of the passenger liner MV Lady Mary Joy is seen off the coast of Basilan Island, in the southern Philippines

Firefighters had the fire under control early Thursday.

Photos shared by the Coast Guard showed that the MV Lady Mary Joy 3 vessel had been destroyed by fire.

Marine accidents are common in the Philippine archipelago due to frequent storms, poorly maintained boats, overcrowding and poor enforcement of safety regulations, especially in remote provinces.

In May, at least seven people were killed after a fire on a Philippine high-speed ferry with 134 people on board.

In December 1987, the Dona Paz ferry sank after colliding with a fuel tanker, killing more than 4,300 people in the world’s worst peacetime maritime disaster.