Money expert reveals how anyone can become a millionaire WITHOUT any ‘hard work’

A financial expert has revealed how anyone can become a millionaire without ‘working hard’, saying it all comes down to a simple change in your mindset.

Josh Kaufman, a bestselling author and entrepreneur who has dedicated his life to teaching others “how successful businesses really work,” recently spoke with Steve Bartlett about his Podcast The Diary of a CEO to share some of his knowledge.

The financial guru, who lives in Fort Collins, Colorado, claimed that every business shares the same basic “foundation.”

And he believed that anyone could start a successful business and become rich if they could master it.

According to Josh, it boils down to asking a few “simple, direct, and helpful questions.”

A money expert has revealed how anyone can become a millionaire without ‘hard work’ – and he said it all comes down to a simple change in mindset

Josh Kaufman (seen), a bestselling author and entrepreneur, recently spoke with Steve Bartlett on his podcast The Diary Of A CEO to share some of his knowledge

Host Steve is seen during their chat

Josh Kaufman (left), a bestselling author and entrepreneur, recently sat down with Steve Bartlett (right) on his podcast The Diary Of A CEO to share some of his knowledge

When starting a business, he says, people should ask themselves, “How does this business create value?”

How does it attract the attention of people who are interested in or need what this company offers?

How does it convince people to take out their wallet or credit card and give the company money?

How does the company deliver the value it promises to its paying customers?

‘And most importantly, does it make enough money to make all the time, energy and effort the owner and employees put into the business worth it?’

“That’s the essence of finance. Understanding things in this very systematic way is a superpower,” he added.

Josh explained that “every company, from the smallest startup to the largest company in the world,” is built on understanding the importance of these questions.

“This is the foundation of every business plan that has ever existed or will exist, because every one of these parts is universal, essential, and foundational,” he continued. “You have to answer these questions.”

And the financial guru claimed that every business shares the same basic

And the financial guru claimed that every business shares the same basic “foundation” – and he maintained that anyone could start a successful business and become rich if they got the hang of it

According to Josh, it comes down to asking a few

According to Josh, it comes down to asking a few “simple and direct questions,” such as, “How does this company create value?” One of Josh’s books can be seen

He said that even people who don’t start their own business can benefit from it, because thinking this way can help you find the perfect job.

“By having this framework in mind, by understanding these things and being able to ask these questions, by knowing what’s important and what’s not and thinking like an owner or operator, owners, operators, executives and managers are looking for people to hire,” the author said.

Josh told Steve that he believes getting rich is achievable for anyone, regardless of whether you have experience in the business world or not.

“It comes down to answering those fundamental questions: How are you going to create value that someone else in the world wants or needs?” he concluded.