Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Try to have some patience, because your ruler Mars and the full moon are not very happy at the moment.
As a result, communication can be a bit tense at the beginning of the month. You may also feel irritable, so spend some time alone, especially since the full moon likes some privacy.
You may be feeling particularly energetic at the moment, so make sure you have a plan before impulsively jumping into new situations with your emboldened assertiveness.
Your words are powerful, so direct them carefully before you let go. At the full moon in Gemini, Aries takes the stage, with words that set passions and ideas on fire. Connections abound, minds are engaged and amaze! No matter what happens, you continue in your insight phase.
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Keep an eye on the money, baby! This full moon draws your attention to personal finances, possessions, and even the things you may value, such as integrity and honesty.
The full moon opposite the sun and Mars can bring powerful and energetic discussions about shared resources like real estate or investments, as well as intimacy.
It is likely to be a rather chatty month with many discussions and negotiations taking place. On the plus side, you might have some brilliant ideas too!
You may also hear from distant relatives. Study or matters about your environment are probably also on your agenda. Full moon in Gemini, Taurus in its power, communication blossoms into a charming spectacle.
Stable Taurus, embrace the verbal dance! Forge bonds, share thoughts in this moon romance!
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
The full moon in your zodiac sign blesses you with insight. You may feel like you can really see what’s going on beneath the surface and you’re probably wearing your heart on your sleeve at this point.
New ideas may come to you about your identity and appearance. So this can be a good time to buy new clothes, make-up or change your hair so you can reconnect with the world.
Your feelings probably indicate that it’s time to show everyone who you really are. Free yourself from your history and approach the world with more authenticity.
The Moon in Gemini provides a sparkling view. Twin vibes spin around, dancing through the night. Your ideas are flying into moon bloom. Your spirit shines brightly in this heavenly room. You’re reaching a new stage of self-discovery… well done!
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
This is quite a spiritual time for you. You may want to spend a lot of time alone with your thoughts and feelings. However, the Sun and Mars opposite your Moon ruler have other ideas.
There’s plenty of work to do in your normal daily life, so you may feel torn between having some time for yourself and fulfilling your obligations.
Health or wellness issues can demand your attention, but can also disrupt your normal daily routine. Try to find a balance so that during the day you can pay some attention to your dreams and the little insights you gain.
This spiritual full moon, Cancer, feels the pull. Your emotions run deep, like waves so full. Words touch the heart in this cosmic melody. Provide connections under the moon rune.
Leo (July 23 to August 22)
It’s time to socialize! Your friends, groups and associations become more important than usual.
You can meet new friends or get closer to those you already know. Hopes and dreams can also be brought to the fore as you try to figure out what you really want in life.
Mars conjunct the opposite Sun can cause some anxiety if your creativity, romantic inclinations, or children play. Or maybe it’s your inner child who wants something more, but you, as an adult, need to take control.
Negotiate with all parts of yourself. The Gemini full moon is where Leo finds his glow. Words can become drama – the great show of your heart. Sparkling conversations are in the moonshine. Your charisma shines through in this lively scene.
Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
Your life can become more ‘reveal’ in some way; maybe your work invites you to work with the public or you gain more exposure on social media.
Be extra careful what you share with others during this time, because no matter what, you are in the spotlight. Authorities such as employers or parents can now also pay more attention to you, especially to your mother.
Play it quietly at home and with family members, otherwise Mars could stir the pot, causing impatience and irritability. It’s a good time to think about the direction and mission of your life, as your career can also be central.
A new job or promotion may now be on your agenda. Under the full moon of Gemini, Virgo’s sharp vision sharpens thoughts in the quiet night. Words weave patterns in the heavenly loom. Create clarity in this new moon room.
Libra (September 23 to October 22)
You can be charming, and this full moon gives you the opportunity to expand your life using your many charms. Even if you’re unsure about how to do this, it’s important to take a chance.
Make your life bigger and more alive somehow. Perhaps spirituality, travel or studying can help you reveal more of what is needed to grow your life.
There is no point in standing still, learning and experiencing new things. Perhaps you are more into foreign connections or become interested in the exotic – try visiting different restaurants and new places.
During the Gemini full moon, beautiful Libra finds its grace. Conversations blossom in a lighthearted embrace. Balance thoughts in the moon glow, you seek harmony in beautiful words that flow!
Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
This full moon can bring out intense feelings and you may be tempted to look away. However, Mars and the Sun have different ideas, so they will push you to say what needs to be said.
Don’t hold back the truth! This may relate to issues such as intimacy, shared resources such as investments, inheritances or taxes. Some decisions need to be made and it is better to get things out in the open. Under the Gemini full moon, Scorpio feels movement. Words have power, emotions grant.
Mysteries revealed in the moonlight. Deep thoughts whispering in the night. It’s time to come out of your emotional shell by letting your true feelings out. It is very possible that you will experience a feeling of relief.
Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
Your committed relationships and partnerships come into focus this month.
There will undoubtedly be many discussions, negotiations and decisions guided by informed considerations. Mars and the opposing Sun tell you to take care of yourself and be independent, while at the same time balance is needed when considering important relationships.
Don’t throw out babies with the bathwater. So think carefully about what to keep and what to throw away. You can find a way to make this work. Under the full moon of Gemini and the flame of Sagittarius, conversations lead to a quest to proclaim.
Words wander freely in the balloon of night, seeking the depth of wisdom in this lunar monsoon. It may seem like a whirlwind, but you’ll soon find your center!
Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)
Daily routines are important, so develop some good daily habits that can make you more productive. Your work or health can also be quite prominent now.
Investigate any stressors so that you can minimize or completely eliminate them, if possible.
Take a moment and enjoy some privacy; perhaps a trusted friend can lend a helpful ear? Mars and the Sun stimulate your subconscious, so keep your ear alert for messages from below.
You may feel inexplicably impatient as the energies bubble up, but this is probably not the best time for manifestation. Next month would probably do better.
During the Gemini full moon, Capricorn is erect. Weigh words and shout ambitions. Structured discussions in the moonshine, paths forward in this cosmic flow!
Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)
It’s time for some fun. Free time and fun are what it’s all about, so do your share this coming month.
It is also time for creation, romance and entertainment. Maybe you are now playing like a kid or even having fun with kids. Crosswords, board games and theater may also have some appeal.
Mars and the Sun opposite this Full Moon may cross paths and cause some turbulence with friends or groups, but there’s also a good chance you’ll meet new people.
Your hopes and dreams may need some adjustment now; However, you can take into account any required changes. Under the full moon, Aquarius flies. Conversations spark and ideas bubble up.
Words weave stories of the blessings of the future, while innovations dance under the melody of the moon.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
An important conjunction between your midheaven, the Sun and Mars makes you aware that your life direction must be determined now. You have an important life mission… now be honest with yourself… are you on this path?
It’s time to change direction if you’re not. This is all happening in front of your home and family, so a balance needs to be found somehow where you don’t feel torn between your life’s mission and the people close to you.
Your home could be your sanctuary right now, so get some privacy to think about these issues. In the midst of this full moon, Pisces dreams arise.
Words paint pictures under the starry sky. Emotions flow in the moon shine and your imagination soars in this heavenly theme.
Take a moment to consider your options.