Moment woman breaks down during mid-air meltdown on Southwest Airlines flight and claims she’s a victim of human trafficking

A woman clashed with flight attendants on a Southwest Airlines flight after repeatedly shouting that she was a victim of human trafficking as she was escorted off the plane.

Following on from Tiffany Gomas’ “that motherf***** isn’t real” saga, a new, unidentified “airplane woman” was shared widely online on November 13.

The one-minute video begins with the woman, wearing a black hoodie with sunglasses on her head, facing airline staff in the aisle.

‘They try to impose things on me. To get off. Get the fuck away. Please go away!’ she shouts, aggressively shoving a female attendant who grabs her wrists.

The attendant hits back and says ‘don’t touch me’ before calling for backup.

A woman clashed with flight attendants on a Southwest Airlines flight after repeatedly shouting that she was a victim of human trafficking

As three attendants struggle with the woman, she turns and focuses her eyes on the passenger filming the incident, repeatedly shouting, “I’m being trafficked!”

Following on from Tiffany Gomas’ ‘that motherf***** isn’t real’ saga, a new, unidentified ‘airplane woman’ was shared widely online on November 13.

As three attendants struggle with the woman, she turns and focuses her eyes on the passenger filming the incident, repeatedly shouting, “I’m being trafficked!”

The woman turns to the servants standing behind her and raises her fists. She moves her arm downwards in a quick cutting motion, making it look like she’s accidentally hitting a nearby man in the back of the head.

She looks down on him, but doesn’t apologize. The man stands up from his seat, as the plane lady shouts ‘this is going on TikTok, so I look crazy, but I’m being human trafficked.’

The woman then shouts ‘no!’ while the servants restrain her and clamp her wrists together, possibly to handcuff her.

As the scene escalates, she screams, “If they’re holding your family hostage, don’t believe it, they’re using fucking emotional manipulation, this isn’t REAL!”

She repeats the trafficking claim as attendants and passengers continue to try to restrain her, before shouting “nooooo” in a wild voice as she is dragged down.

According to people who responded on social media saying they were on the plane, some passengers had to intervene and the flight from New York was en route to Kansas City.

Southwest officials did not respond to this report in a timely manner.

It is unclear what happened after the woman in the video was led off the plane and whether she was a victim of human trafficking.

As the scene escalates, she screams, “If they’re holding your family hostage, don’t believe it, they’re using fucking emotional manipulation, this isn’t REAL!”

The unhinged interaction is reminiscent of Tiffany Gomas’ viral plane crash on July 2, where she shouted “that mom isn’t real” at another passenger as she exited the plane.

The 38-year-old marketing executive was seen loudly telling a male flight attendant sitting near her seat on the flight from Dallas to Orlando, “Stop the damn plane, stop the damn plane, stop the plane.” .’

Police reports show she had previously accused a family member of stealing her AirPods before shouting that the plane was not safe and would not reach its destination.

Commentators on the more recent unidentified “plane lady” incident were quick to point out the similarities, speculating that the woman was inspired by Gomas and that her actions were a ploy to gain fame.

“This is the new way to get famous since tmfinr,” one person said, while another accused her of “being a girl who trips and tries to become virally famous.”

Others thought she might be on drugs, with one person saying the “edibles started” and another warning “don’t do drugs, kids.”

Model Morgan Osman has claimed she is the woman in the social media images but has not responded to requests for comment from

It also follows another incident involving a woman boarding a plane in September.

Influencer Morgan Osman launched a foul-mouthed tirade on an American Airlines flight, shouting “I’m Instagram famous, you fucking bum” at passengers filming her.

She could be heard swearing at other passengers as she stomped down the aisle out of shot, while several people laughed at the act.

Osman, 35, claimed the entire incident had to do with a “woman with neon blue hair” berating her for sitting in her seat, which Osman vehemently denied.

To avoid “knocking her the fuck out,” Osman claimed she left the plane, and that’s when the passengers pulled out their cameras.

When asked if she was kicked off the plane, Osman replied: “Absolutely not.”

“I decided to leave, and when they knew that, they decided to take out their camera. I still think they’re a bunch of bums,” she added.