Moment when top Hamas spokesman leaves BBC interview after being asked how the terror group justified killing Israeli families ‘while they slept’

This is the moment a top Hamas spokesman walked out of a BBC interview after being asked how the terrorists justified the murder of Israeli families as they slept in their beds.

Hamas’ deputy foreign minister in Gaza, Ghazi Hamad, was questioned by BBC Middle East correspondent Hugo Bachega about the barbaric killings of up to 1,500 Israelis.

In the sit-down interview, Mr. Hamad suggested that there was no order to kill civilians when Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7, with the terrorists paragliding into the desert, surrounding the Nova Festival and massacring 260 festival-goers as they fled for their lives.

Since then, images have emerged of the massacre at the Be’eri kibbutz, in which people were slaughtered in their beds. Images shown to MailOnline by the Israeli embassy in London, which are too graphic to publish, show the blood-spattered rooms.

Three dead bodies were left in the bedroom of a house by Hamas fighters, who killed at least a hundred people in the community. A woman lies face down in a pool of her own blood. Her blonde hair is stained with blood and the wall behind her has at least six bullet holes.

In a sit-down interview, Mr. Hamad suggested that there was no order for Hamas to kill civilians when they invaded Israel on October 7.

While harrowing photos showed the aftermath of a massacre caused when Hamas barbarians opened fire on a kindergarten, leaving teddy bears covered in bullets and killing an unknown number of innocents.

But Mr Hamad suggested in disbelief that ‘because the area was very large’ ‘there were clashes and confrontations’.

Mr Bachega said it was not a confrontation when they raided people’s homes, to which he replied: “I can tell you that we had no intention or decision to kill the civilians.”

He was then asked how he could justify killing people while they slept. Mr. Hamad then looks to the side, pulls off the microphone attached to his dark-colored suit jacket and says, “I want to stop this interview.”

He then throws the microphone on the floor.

Up to 1,500 Israelis have been killed by Hamas, while at least 200 Israelis have been taken hostage to Gaza.

Some of the most harrowing images and images to emerge since the barbaric attacks were when Hamas poured into Israel and surrounded the Nova music festival, where thousands of innocent revelers had danced the night away.

Yesterday, Dor Kapah told how he heroically escaped the festival while piloting a getaway vehicle full of terrified civilians from a fleet of armed terrorists chasing them on motorcycles.

But he appeared irritated when BBC Middle East correspondent Hugo Bachega asked him to justify killing families as they slept in their beds.

Without responding to the question, he declares that he wants to end the interview before turning off his microphone and throwing it on the floor

At least 100 people were killed by Hamas terrorists in the early hours

Everything was great until six in the morning… then we saw the trails of rockets shooting into the sky,” Dor said.

‘The music stopped, everyone panicked. People started running, lying on the ground… it was complete chaos. We heard gunshots in the distance… and then we saw them coming – 400 meters away. 300 meters.’

Dor and his friends began packing their belongings and preparing their jeep to flee the festival grounds. But then he got a call from a friend at a nearby kibbutz, putting the group in a catch-22.

“Don’t leave the festival,” the friend said. “The streets are full of terrorists.”

It was then that Dor truly realized the horror of his predicament: damned if you stay, damned if you go, with armed men lurking everywhere.

But with terrorists bearing AK-47s bearing down on him, Dor and his friends had no choice but to get into their jeep and take off.

While people in the Be’eri kibbutz were being slaughtered in their beds, Israel released images of small babies being murdered and burned.

The more than 100 bodies found in the kibbutz were removed by the Zaka search and rescue group.

Scenes from Kibbutz Be’eri, where Dor had to hide from Hamas terrorists for six hours

A house destroyed during the attack by Hamas is seen in Kibbutz Be’eri on October 14, 2023 in Be’eri, Israel

Debris can be seen all over the floor with holes in the wall and the ceiling beginning to collapse at a burned-out daycare center in Be’eri

An Israeli soldier inside the destroyed Jewish home in the Kibbutz Be’eri community along the border with the Gaza Strip

Most of the photos passed to MailOnline by the Israeli embassy in London were too explicit to publish

Earlier this month, a survivor, Haim Jelin, told local media that Hamas fighters were “walking through Be’eri as if they owned the place.”

“They shot indiscriminately, kidnapped whoever they could, burned down people’s houses so that they had to escape through the window where the terrorists would be waiting,” he added.

A woman named Miri Gad Mesika told local media that she and her husband were choking on thick smoke and gas fumes as they tried to hide.

“We soaked towels with water and covered our faces, while my husband Eli held the shelter door as hard as he could while the terrorists tried to break in,” she said.

“Just before we jumped from the second floor, we assessed the fire situation, looked for the terrorists and decided to jump.

‘We fled to our neighbors across the street and watched our house go up in flames before it burned down completely. I have no idea how we survived.”

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