Mooooooooove over please! Moment two hapless walkers fall into fast running stream after avoiding COWS stood blocking their path

This is the hilarious moment two women fall into a fast-flowing stream after trying to avoid some cows blocking their path.

Julia Glover, 62, was out with her hiking group when they came across a herd on the trail – meaning they had to cross a stream to avoid them.

After most of the group had crossed, it was her friend Amanda Smith’s turn, but it ended in disaster when she fell backwards into the murky water.

Another member of the group, Cathy, tried to help her hiking buddy out, but soon joined Amanda in the stream, causing the entire group to burst into laughter.

Under the watchful eye of the pesky cows blocking the path, both Amanda and Cathy were able to climb out of the stream.

They headed home for a quick shower and change into clean clothes before rejoining the group for a delayed lunch.

Amanda Smith fell backwards into the murky waters of a fast-flowing stream after trying to clamber over it in an attempt to avoid some cows blocking the path

The cows blocked the path, causing the group to take evasive action

Another member of the group, Cathy, tried to help her hiking buddy out of the water, but quickly joined Amanda in the current.

Another member of the group, Cathy, tried to help her walking buddy out of the murky water, but quickly joined Amanda in the stream (right), watched by the pesky cows blocking the path (left)

The pair were able to climb out of the water before heading home for a quick shower and change into clean clothes before rejoining the group for a delayed lunch.

The pair were able to climb out of the water before heading home for a quick shower and change into clean clothes before rejoining the group for a delayed lunch.

In the footage, Amanda can be heard saying, “how deep is this water?” before she tepidly starts walking to the other side.

What should you do if you encounter a herd of cows?

If you are out walking and come across a herd of cattle, the first piece of advice is don’t panic.

Leave quietly and as quietly as possible, without sudden movements.

The same advice applies to dog walkers, but they should let their dog run free if it feels threatened.

The British Mountaineering Council says dogs will outrun the herd and trying to protect your pet could even put you in danger.

Source: British Mountaineering Council

She then stumbles and falls backwards, shouting, “Oh no, Amanda, that’s ridiculous.”

Cathy then appears to try to help her friend, but in a You’ve Been Framed moment, she falls head first into the stream.

After witnessing the couple’s failed crossing, other members of the group are not so brave as to attempt to defect and turn back to find a safer route.

Julia, from Farrington Gurney, Somerset, said: ‘It was actually a lovely day but very muddy underfoot.

‘We followed each other along a footpath and I was at the back of the group. I noticed that some of our group were in the field and realized that they had jumped over the stream because cows were blocking the footpath.

‘I couldn’t believe Amanda was even thinking about crossing.

‘Then I couldn’t believe it when it seemed like she just stepped into the stream and fell back into the water, and then out of nowhere Cathy joined her.

‘We were all laughing! Poor Amanda, Cathy and Shanti (another who ended up falling into the stream) got a terrible shock and they must have been freezing and extremely uncomfortable in soaking wet clothes.

‘We went back to the cars and Shanti, Amanda and Cathy went home to shower and change for lunch – which was postponed.’