Moment pilot leaves the cockpit controls to rescue dad-of-two who became trapped in the toilet cubicle on a Delta flight for 35 minutes when the door broke

A father-of-two had to be rescued from a Delta Airlines toilet by the pilot after other cabin crew members failed to break open the door.

The 34-year-old, identified only as Brent, went for a comfort break that ended up lasting 35 minutes during his family’s flight from Salt Lake City to New Orleans.

Brent’s disgruntled partner shared the experience on his behalf with footage of the pilot trying to pull open the door after being denied a refund by the airline’s customer service team.

She began to continue telling the story Reddit by suggesting her husband had deliberately taken extended leave from their four- and two-year-old.

She wrote: ‘After five minutes I wondered what was going on. Was he using this time as a much-needed break from my children’s whining demands and frequent tantrums? I didn’t blame him.’

Brent, father of two, was stuck in the toilet for 35 minutes before being released during the flight from Salt Lake City to New Orleans

The pilot (pictured) had to intervene to save the day after flight attendants and a passenger failed to release the 34-year-old

The pilot (pictured) had to intervene to save the day after flight attendants and a passenger failed to release the 34-year-old

The 34-year-old chose to share the experience after the family was denied a refund (stock photo)

The 34-year-old chose to share the experience after the family was denied a refund (stock photo)

However, the mother left with her two children and heard someone mention the word “stuck” and quickly realized it was in connection with her husband.

She turned to see two members of the crew tugging on the door of the rear cubicle as she watched, unable to abandon her children.

The flight attendants called for help from a male passenger who also failed to perform the magic touch, before the pilot emerged to try after 20 minutes of the ordeal.

“It wasn’t until Brent kicked out the door as the pilot pulled as hard as he could that Brent finally managed to escape,” the post, written by ‘StuckDeltaBathroom’, revealed.

This concluded a 35 minute experience, after which the author was simply glad her husband had not taken either of their children into the bathroom.

She concluded that Delta asked her not to share the footage, filmed by another passenger sitting closer to the end of the plane, but after the mother did not receive a refund for their “terrible” trip, she decided to post it online .

Many commenters on the post pointed out that there are often two pilots on board, making the departure from the cockpit less bizarre than it initially seems.

Others condemned the author for demanding refunds, suggesting the response was disproportionate to what had actually happened.

The airline told ‘We have been in contact with the customer following this situation with an offer of an apology and are investigating the situation to better understand the cause and make changes if necessary to address the matter in the future . ‘