Moment Nancy Pelosi is SERVED with subpoena on House of Representatives floor, reportedly related to case in which her husband was assaulted with a hammer by a home invader

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi was served a subpoena announced live on the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday evening, believed to be related to the attack on her husband.

Pelosi, 83, made the announcement that she must produce “documents in a criminal case in California” through the House Clerk, a standard procedure for members of Congress.

Tylease Alli, the “reading clerk,” keeps track of legislative changes made on the ground and is appointed by Democrats.

“I hereby formally notify you, in accordance with Rule Eight of the Rules of the House of Representatives, that I, the Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita and U.S. Representative for California’s 11th Congressional District, have received subpoenas from third parties of the plaintiff and the defendant to produce documents in a criminal case and the United States District Court for the Northern District of California,” the statement said.

“After consultation with the Office of General Counsel, I have determined that compliance with the subpoenas is consistent with the privileges and of the House to the extent it requires the production of non-privileged information. The responses to the subpoenas will be identical,” the report continued.

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi was served a subpoena announced live on the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday evening, believed to be related to the attack on her husband

According to him, Pelosi has made no official comment on the subpoena itself Fox news.

A source said the subpoena is related to the violent attack Paul DePape carried out against her husband Paul Pelosi last year.

DePape is a former nudist from British Columbia who has struggled with drugs and posts crazy COVID conspiracy theories, anti-Semitic rants, racist comments and unhinged screeds about religion online.

Police say they were at the home in the exclusive Pacific Heights neighborhood when they saw the suspect struggling with Pelosi, grabbing the hammer and then hitting him with it, causing serious head, arm and hand injuries.

When they arrested Depape, they found a manifesto containing anti-government COVID beliefs and a list of other politicians he planned to target. KTVU reports.

Pelosi underwent surgery to repair a fractured skull after the attack but is expected to make a full recovery, while DePape remains in custody and is charged with multiple crimes, including attempted murder.

President Joe Biden called the attack “terrible” and Republicans and Democrats condemned the violence as the House Speaker rushed from DC to San Francisco to be at her husband’s side.

DePape grew up north of the border, but moved from British Columbia to California 20 years ago. He was following a love interest, his stepfather said CNNand family members have insisted he was a “good boy.”

Pelosi, 83, made the announcement that she must “produce documents in a criminal case in California” through the House Clerk, a standard procedure for members of Congress

A source said the subpoena is related to the violent attack Paul DePape carried out against her husband Paul Pelosi last year.

Tylease Alli, the “reading clerk,” tracks changes to legislation made on the ground and was appointed by Democrats

DePape, right, is seen at a nude wedding on the steps of City Hall in December 2013

DePape regularly posted conspiratorial blog posts on his various websites

He ended up in the Berkeley neighborhood, an ultra-liberal enclave of the city, where he lived in a three-bedroom Victorian apartment with famed nudist activist Gypsy Taub and a group that believed September 11 was an “inside job.”

A November 2008 article in the Oakland Tribune reported that he had “three small children” with Russian-born Taub. She was quoted in the article about community meals saying, “In Russia, where I come from, people share more, and I want my children to grow up knowing how to share.”

Taub and her fiancé Jaymz Smith asked DePape to be their best man at their nudist wedding in 2013, but he remained clothed and took photos during the ceremony that drew a huge police presence.

An acquaintance of his told CNN that DePape struggled with hard drugs about eight years ago but was “trying to build a new life for himself.” She said she cut off contact with DePape after receiving “disturbing” emails that made him sound “dangerous” and “out of touch with reality.”

His social media showed him posting conspiracy theories about the origins of the Covid epidemic, the validity of the 2020 election and the January 6 insurrection on Capitol Hill.

He first began posting on a blog titled “God Is Loving” in June 2007, with extensive screeds on religion. He stopped posting for 15 years – then suddenly started again on August 24 this year with racist, sexist, anti-Semitic and crazy posts about the Q-Anon conspiracy theory.

DePape is pictured with the bride, Gypsy Taub, at her wedding to Jaymz Smith in December 2013

Aerial footage showed broken windows and shattered glass at the back door of Pelosi’s home

The Pelosis own a four-bedroom San Francisco home in the middle of her congressional district that was purchased in 2007 for $2.2 million but is now worth at least $6 million.

He posted obscene versions of Disney songs on YouTube, including one titled, “Want to **** a snowman?” He posted a screed that included the n-word, and a message titled “This is what a dumb b***h looks like.” Others were titled: “Noah Survived the Collapse of Atlantis,” “Pedophile Normalization,” “Facts Are Racist,” “Communist Voodoo Science,” “I’m Not Sexist,” and “Feminist Gets Possessed.”

On a separate blog he set up, Frenly Frens, he wrote unhinged articles about how “Jews hate white people,” and several posts about Donald Trump, including one that said, “Trump you NEEEEEEEED to make Tulsi your VP in 2024.”

He defended former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, who was found guilty of killing George Floyd.

DePape called Chauvin’s trial “a modern-day lynching” and incorrectly indicated that Floyd died of a drug overdose.

He also posted lengthy screeds about religion, including claims that “Jesus is the Antichrist.” When DePaper broke into the Pelosis’ home, he shouted, “Where’s Nancy?” Where’s Nancy?’

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