A mechanic named Jerry saved the life of a tabby cat on February 12 after finding the animal trapped in a car’s muffler.
Jerry first saw the cat while working on the vehicle yesterday afternoon at LM Cars in Burr Ridge, Illinois.
A customer had brought the car into the shop for brake service earlier that day.
LM Cars posted a video of the cat during its rescue yesterday, showing Jerry safely removing the cat from the exhaust.
The cat, which began meowing loudly after the rescue, appeared unharmed.
Jerry, a mechanic at LM Cars, saved the life of a cat trapped under a car muffler on February 12
The vehicle was brought in by a customer for a break shift earlier that day. It is unclear if the cat became stuck in the muffler while the customer was driving
Jerry successfully got the grateful tabby cat out from under the muffler. The cat will be examined, but after the rescue everything seemed fine
The video was shot by Willy Li, general manager of LM Cars, who called the animal “a cute cat.”
‘He’s fine. He’s perfectly fine. He responds to lights,” Li said.
According to Li, the staff at first believed the tabby cat was not alive.
“We thought it was dead, but then we saw it moving,” he said.
“So we made a landing pad with a blanket and an oil drain stand. After removing quite a few parts from the car and touching the exhaust, the cat landed safely on the landing pad.”
Li said it took Jerry about 15 minutes to get the cat out of the exhaust around 3:30 p.m.
The technicians prepared a landing spot for the cat with a blanket and an oil-draining stand, where the cat landed after being removed from the exhaust
The cat was picked up by Dupage County Animal Services around 6 a.m. yesterday.
They will examine the cat to ensure it is in good health before putting it up for adoption or looking for its current owner.
“Dupage Animal Services Lady said he/she was a domesticated cat. We hope the cat’s owner can see the news and take him home from Dupage Animal Services,” Li said.
According to Li, no one at LM Cars has ever seen this happen before.
“We had cats running around our yard before, but it was scary to see a car stuck in the undercarriage of a car,” he said.
‘This was a domesticated cat, very cute. Hopefully someone will take him home.”
According to Li, this kind of rescue has never happened before. However, he and other employees have seen cats running around their yard
After this incident, Li hopes people will keep an eye out for animals that may be hidden in their vehicles.
‘In the winter, make some noise or banging on your car a few times before driving away to scare off animals hiding in your car,” he said.
“There are indeed animals hiding under cars.”