Moment heavily-pregnant woman is kicked off EasyJet flight to Ibiza alongside her disabled child, husband and the rest of the passengers ‘after grumpy air hostess accused her of being abusive’

This is when a heavily pregnant woman was thrown off a plane along with her husband and disabled child after a flight attendant accused her of assault.

Siobhan Foster boarded a flight from Belfast to Ibiza on August 19 en route to her brother’s wedding on the island – before claiming she was handpicked by a “grumpy” flight attendant.

The mother from Newtownabbey, near Belfast in Northern Ireland, claimed she asked the flight attendant if there were any other lockers before receiving a curt reply of ‘obviously not’.

Ms Foster says she was then accused of assaulting staff, prompting her and her family to leave the plane, along with all the other passengers on the flight.

Shocking footage shows a trail of disgruntled travelers collecting luggage and bags on the runway after disembarking the EasyJet flight, before Ms Foster and her family were taken away by police.

Siobhan Foster (left) and her husband James (right) were thrown off an EasyJet flight from Belfast to Ibiza

A video shows passengers leaving the EasyJet flight after the incident

An EasyJet spokesperson told MailOnline that staff took action because a “group of passengers behaved disruptively at check-in and then on board” as they noticed police attending the incident.

The airline said it “will not tolerate abusive or threatening behavior towards our crew or other passengers.”

Ms Foster later explained that the passengers – many of whom were part of her brother’s wedding party – were asked to exit the plane alongside her after singing to evacuate the flight attendant instead.

The video shows a member of the wedding party filming the incident telling staff, “Everyone saw it. The whole plane.’ You see the pilot standing in the doorway as someone repeats, “Walk away.”

Mrs. Foster, holding her one-year-old daughter Florence, heads for the exit as the camerawoman says, “Hey, Florence. We’re getting kicked off the plane today, aren’t we?

‘Because someone thinks he’s better than everyone else? Yes. Because of this one person.’

The flight attendant in question turns her face away from the camera as she repeats “Bye, bye” to the disembarking passengers.

The woman filming then pans the camera to show passengers exiting the plane, saying, “This is going all over the internet. Do you believe me.’

After disembarking the EasyJet flight, the camerawoman is shown comforting Mrs. Foster, who is in tears and reassures her, ‘B******s. Don’t cry, come on. As everyone on the plane said, it has nothing to do with you.

‘Do not Cry. Easy damn plane.’

Police escorted Siobhan Foster and a slew of fellow passengers from the EasyJet flight to Ibiza

The video shows a slew of passengers leaving the EasyJet flight after the altercation

Further footage shows the horde of passengers waiting at the airport as they wait for the next flight to Ibiza.

The mother claims her family was escorted out by airport police while around 180 passengers were held for several hours at Belfast International Airport.

She then claimed that due to the ongoing problems, staff had been working more than the legal number of hours and that passengers to Ibiza had therefore had to wait overnight to board a flight the following morning.

The family claim they managed to find another flight that would get them to the wedding on time, but had to put down a staggering £1,500, which included a bus to Dublin Airport where they took the new flight.

Siobhan shared the shocking images on social media on August 27, alongside the full context, writing: ‘I will never fly with easyJet again. I can see why people call them a sleezy jet.

‘We flew to Ibiza for my brother’s wedding, me, my husband and Florence got on the plane and we sat in the first seats while paying for extra legroom as I’m seven months pregnant.

“This flight attendant had such a grumpy look on her face. James sat down with Florence and I asked her if there was room in the overhead cabinets. Her answer was a sharp ‘obviously not’.

“So I asked if you could help me find somewhere, her reply was ‘You’ll have to find somewhere yourself’ even though there was literally nowhere.”

“So I said, ‘Can you please help me, I’m heavily pregnant and my husband has our daughter’.” Her response was ‘You are taking advantage and it is not my job to help you’.

“Then another flight attendant – an older lady – approached me to say, ‘Look, this isn’t our job to help,’ so I said every other airline I’ve flown with has been more than helpful to me because I pregnant etc.

Passengers had to wait for hours after being told to disembark from the EasyJet flight

EasyJet said passengers behaved ‘disruptively’ when checking in and then boarding’ the flight to Ibiza

“So of course, then she said I was abusive. As I write this I understand that you would think it was good that I was taking advantage, but honestly I wasn’t and the whole plane can vouch for me.

“I found a place for the bag, set it up myself, sat down and the next minute two of the crew members came over and said I was being aggressive – bearing in mind I’m heavily pregnant I’m not going to stand and being aggressive.

“I decided to ignore her and she started to raise her voice and say, ‘Look at me!’ First of all, I am not a child to be spoken to like that, and I ignored her because I was so angry about the way I was treated.

“Then she and another approached us to say we were being thrown off the plane. We asked why, because we had literally done nothing. Again she said we were aggressive.

My brother and mother spoke to her and asked her exactly why we were put off, but again they couldn’t answer the question because they were wrong.

“After about an hour, the whole plane was asked to get off, and every passenger on board was chanting to get this flight attendant off the plane, who basically said she was the manager.

“Everyone went back inside and three police cars showed up, it was something I’ve never experienced before.

“We all went down the stairs and found about eight police officers and two people from Swissport saying we wouldn’t get on the plane again – this was easyJet’s decision, not the police.

‘So that whole day we were at Belfast Airport with our child from 1pm to 9pm – my legs were so swollen and sore from sitting on them all that time, I was crying uncontrollably.

“I’m so traumatized that I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to fly again.

“Everyone on that plane is filing complaints—some of them even got on the plane to tell the pilot that it was the flight attendant who was aggressive towards me, not me.

“So I have a slew of witnesses willing to tell me how unfairly we’ve been treated.

Siobhan Foster later attended her brother’s wedding on a separate flight from Dublin airport

Facebook users posted their support for Siobhan Foster when Carol Kidd said ‘No one deserves to be treated like this’

Leanne Finlay described the incident as ‘absolutely disgusting’ in a Facebook post

Debbie Oo said Siobhan Foster was “treated outrageously” by EasyJet

“Many passengers have videos to prove this and have taken photos of this particular flight attendant to have evidence of her disgusting behavior.”

The post garnered more than 780 likes and hundreds of comments from users disgusted by Siobhan’s alleged treatment.

Carol Kidd wrote, “Absolutely disgusting. No one deserves to be treated like this. Siobhan, go on, because it wasn’t necessary.’

Naomi Morrison said, ‘What the hell did I just read? Oh my God, I’m stunned. Baby, are you okay? How awful at any time, but she’s also heavily pregnant with little Florence…she needs to be fired.

“They acted shamefully.”

Leanne Finlay said, “What the f**k. My blood boils for you. This is actually absolutely disgusting, I couldn’t believe it when I read that. They should be ashamed.’

Debbie Oo added, “This is absolute shameful love, and you should definitely move on from this.

“No human being should have been treated the way you (have) been treated. Shameful, especially from such a major European airline, clearly no customer service skills are needed for this airline.’

An EasyJet spokesperson told MailOnline: ‘We can confirm that flight EZY3003 from Belfast to Ibiza was attended by police prior to departure on August 19 due to a group of passengers who were disruptive at check-in and then boarding.

EasyJet’s cabin crew and ground agents are trained to assess and evaluate all situations and to act quickly and appropriately to ensure the safety of the flight and other passengers is not compromised at any time.

While such incidents are rare, we take them very seriously and will not tolerate abusive or threatening behavior towards our crew or other passengers. The safety and well-being of our passengers, crew and ground agents is always easyJet’s priority.

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