Moment Bowie the blind dog is reunited with his family, 300km away from Gold Coast home

Heartwarming moment as blind Australian Shepherd Bowie is reunited with his delighted family after he was allegedly stolen and driven 300km from home

  • Bowie was allegedly stolen from the Gold Coast home
  • NSW police intercepted car on NSW north coast
  • Bowie reunited with relieved owners

A beloved blind dog has been reunited with his relieved owners after he was reportedly stolen from his childhood home and taken to the highway.

Bowie, a tricolor Australian Shepherd, was taken from his home in Southport on the Gold Coast on Wednesday.

The Durman family returned to find their beloved pet, car and other personal items missing from their ransacked home.

Queensland Police issued a public appeal and on Friday Bowie was found safe and sound after NSW police pulled over a car at Nambucca Heads on the state’s mid-north coast, about 200 miles from home.

Luke Durman and 10-year-old son Leo made the four-hour sprint south to be reunited with their dog at Macksville Police Station, sparking some heartwarming scenes.

Footage shows a delighted Bowie racing towards his owners with his tail wagging ferociously as he climbed into their arms and greeted them with licks.

Luke Durnam and 10-year-old son Leo are reunited with their dog Bowie

“I’m just thrilled he’s back,” Luke Durman told 7News.

While Leo was overjoyed that his furry friend was back where he belongs.

“I just feel fantastic right now,” he said.

“Bad in the beginning, but great now.”

Bowie was checked by a vet and given a clean bill of health.

CCTV released by Queensland Police showed Bowie sitting in a car at a petrol station in Yamba on Wednesday as an unidentified man fueled the vehicle.

Several items were allegedly stolen during the Southport burglary, including a gray 2022 Hyundai Tucson station wagon registration number 021FO8 from Queensland, in which Bowie allegedly drove away from his home.

The car was intercepted by NSW police on Friday near Nambucca Heads on the state’s mid-north coast following a tip from the public.

Bowie was found in the passenger seat about 200 miles from home.

Bowie, the blind dog, was found about 200 miles from home on Friday

Bowie was as excited to be reunited with his owners as she was to see him

A Southport man, 48, was arrested and questioned by police.

He is expected to be charged with property offenses and extradited to Queensland.

The investigation into the alleged burglary continues.

The Durmans were reportedly on a ski trip when their home was reportedly broken into on Wednesday.

The family had returned to their Gold Coast home to find food and other items scattered around the living room, clothing and personal documents missing, and baby photos shoved in the toilets.

“Once we realized Bowie was gone, the cars and everything didn’t matter anymore,” Durman said.

“The focus was we just wanted Bowie back.”

His son added that Bowie meant everything to the family.

“It’s so heartbreaking that you may never see a dog again,” Leo said.

“I don’t want that to happen.”

Bowie’s family returned from a ski trip to find items scattered throughout the living room and baby photos shoved in their toilets

Chilling CCTV footage showed that Bowie was allegedly taken away by an unknown driver

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