Moment Amazon delivery driver crashes into teen’s ‘beloved’ Audi A1 in Manchester caught on CCTV


EXCLUSIVE: Moment when Amazon delivery man crashes into teenager’s ‘beloved’ Audi A1, causing £1,000 in damage before delivering a package and driving off is captured on camera footage from neighbors

  • Chelsea Garner’s Audi A1 was reversed by an Amazon driver in Manchester
  • Crash caused £1k damage to 19-year-old’s ‘beloved’ car last Wednesday
  • But Amazon offered her a £100 gift card and said the matter is under investigation







This is when an Amazon driver ran into a parked car and caused £1,000 in damage, then casually delivered a package before driving off.

Chelsea Garner, 19, was heartbroken after seeing the damage to her ‘beloved’ Audi A1 captured on a neighbor’s CCTV camera outside her home in Northern Moor, Manchester.

The footage shows the van backing up into a cul-de-sac where Mrs Garner lives with her parents and then violently crashing into the back of her blue Audi, which she only bought for £6,000 last year after working seven days a week. to save the money.

The driver then jumps out of the van, jogs to a neighboring house to deliver a package, then hops back into her vehicle before driving off.

After being notified of the crash last Wednesday night, Ms. Garner was given the tracking number of the package proving it had been delivered by Amazon.

Chelsea Garner (pictured), 19, was heartbroken after seeing the damage to her 'beloved' Audi A1 captured on a neighbor's CCTV camera outside her home in Northern Moor, Manchester, last Wednesday.

Chelsea Garner (pictured), 19, was heartbroken after seeing the damage to her ‘beloved’ Audi A1 captured on a neighbor’s CCTV camera outside her home in Northern Moor, Manchester, last Wednesday.

1667311263 570 Moment Amazon delivery driver crashes into teens beloved Audi A1

1667311263 570 Moment Amazon delivery driver crashes into teens beloved Audi A1

“I only passed my test last September and the Audi is my baby, my pride and joy,” Chelsea said

A local garage estimates the damage to the car at £1,000

A local garage estimates the damage to the car at £1,000

A local garage estimates the damage to the car at £1,000

She then contacted the company and asked for the van’s registration number so that the matter could be reported to the police and demanded full compensation to have her car repaired, which a local garage estimated at £1,000.

Amazon responded by offering her a £100 gift card and told Ms Garner they were unable to provide the vehicle details as the matter is now under investigation by them.

Amazon says the driver worked for one of its independent delivery drivers and is not directly employed by the online retail giant.

Ms Garner, a real estate agent, was furious: ‘I was heartbroken when I saw the damage to my car as it is the first one I have bought with my own money. I’ve had two jobs to get it and Amazon’s offer is abusive.

“I only passed my exam last September and the Audi is my baby, my pride and joy. Amazon knows who the driver is because they tracked them from the tracking number but so far they have not taken any action. It’s horrible the way they’ve handled this case.’

She added: “I don’t understand why they can’t give me the details of the driver so I can inform the police. I also demand compensation and disciplinary action against the driver. This is a serious hit-and-run case.’

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1667311282 821 Moment Amazon delivery driver crashes into teens beloved Audi A1

The accident broke a rear brake light and the car also needs a new tailgate, bumper and a new paint job on the damaged rear

“I use my car a lot and this has really affected my life.  It's just in the driveway, badly damaged through no fault of my own,' cried Mrs Garner

“I use my car a lot and this has really affected my life.  It's just in the driveway, badly damaged through no fault of my own,' cried Mrs Garner

“I use my car a lot and this has really affected my life. It’s just in the driveway, badly damaged through no fault of my own,’ cried Mrs Garner

Ms Garner revealed she is currently unable to drive her car as a rear brake light was broken in the accident and also requires a new tailgate and bumper and the damaged rear end to be repainted.

She cried: ‘I use my car a lot and this has really affected my life. It’s just sitting in the driveway, badly damaged through no fault of my own.

“My insurance company has told me that if I have the car repaired without giving them the details of who caused the accident, I will lose my no-claims bonus and my premium will increase.”

In an email sent to Ms. Garner last week, Amazon insisted that her case had “escalated.”

It added: “As per Amazon procedure, we will contact the delivery service providers. We will collect their statement and the results of their investigation. Amazon is giving them three business days to contact us and once this is on file we should have an update shortly, followed by the outcome.”

A spokeswoman for the company initially said: “We are working closely with the delivery service to ensure this matter is resolved as quickly as possible.”

Amazon later added, “We’ve been in direct contact with the plaintiff to make things right.”