Modern Warfare 3 reveals the event start time, rewards and what to expect

The Modern Warfare 3 reveal is imminent and will be part of an upcoming Warzone 2 event. It’s called Shadow Siege, and for now Activision is keeping its cards close to its chest in terms of exactly how it will play on the day.

What we do know is that players who participate in the reveal event can earn some great rewards, all of which carry over to Modern Warfare 3 when it launches on November 10. There’s also the opportunity to earn double XP around the event, so it’s worth stopping by.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Modern Warfare 3 reveal the event, including the start and end times, what rewards you get for participating. As we get closer to the Shadow Siege event, Activision will likely reveal more about what lies ahead. When this is the case, we will certainly keep this page up to date.

Modern Warfare 3 reveal event – to the point

  • What is it?: The reveal event for Modern Warfare 3, which takes place in Warzone 2
  • When does it start?: August 17 at 10:30am PST / 1:30pm ET / 6:30pm BST
  • Why should you participate?: Exclusive rewards that carry through to COD 2023

Modern Warfare 3 reveals the release date and event start time

(Image credit: Activision)

The Modern Warfare 3 reveal event will take place on August 17 at 10:30am PST. It’s called Shadow Siege and involves an “air-to-ground assault on shadow forces.” You want to load in War zone 2 to participate in the event, so make sure your game is up to date with the latest version. It will probably be its own mode, accessible from the main menu. This is how past events launched earlier in the game.

For those in the eastern US, the Modern Warfare 3 reveal start time is 1:30pm ET, and for those in the UK it’s 6:30pm BST.

Modern Warfare 3 reveals event rewards in Warzone 2

(Image credit: Activision)

Players participating in the Modern Warfare 3 reveal event receives exclusive rewards. These rewards continue to Modern Warfare 3, as the game shares progression with its predecessor. Here’s what you can win:

  • M13C (New assault rifle)
  • Konni Group (emblem)
  • Crimson sound (business card)
  • Skip level (Battle token)
  • Gas bottle (Beg)
  • Snake Killer (Vehicle Skin)

What to expect from the Shadow Siege event

So far, Activision hasn’t fully detailed what’s in store for the War zone 2 Shadow Siege event. What we do know is that it will involve a siege of the Observatory POI on the Al-Mazrah map. It is said to be an airborne assault, where players push back enemy forces while disarming chemical weapons.

In past events, the action is followed by a reveal trailer, which plays in-game. We will then find more information in a blog post that will appear at the same time as the end of the Shadow Siege mission. We’ll have to wait and see how meaty this mission is, but overall we expect it to be a shorter, more focused affair than a regular game War zone battle royale.

So there you have it, that’s what you need to know about the Modern Warfare 3 Shadow Siege reveal event. Check out our picks for the best FPS games goes now, as well as a list of all upcoming games come true if you keep an eye on the horizon.

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