Model Christine McGuinness reveals she’s ‘never even tasted a tomato’ and lives on pasta and pizza

Christine McGuinness revealed today that she’s never tasted a tomato in an eye-opening Q&A with the Daily Mail’s Good Health.

The model and TV star confessed that she lived on pasta, pizza, potatoes, toast and bagels.

The 35-year-old, who also admitted she rarely gets her five-a-day, claimed her beige-heavy diet was due to her autism.

“One of the most common autistic traits is a hypersensitivity to certain foods,” says Christine.

‘I’ve never tasted a tomato.

“I live on pasta, pizza, potatoes, toast and bagels.”

The model and TV star, 35 (pictured leaving a meeting in Manchester last week), confessed to living on pasta, pizza, potatoes, toast and bagels

The 35-year-old (pictured on the Lorraine show last month), who also admitted she rarely gets her five-a-day, claimed her beige-heavy diet was due to her autism

The 35-year-old (pictured on the Lorraine show last month), who also admitted she rarely gets her five-a-day, claimed her beige-heavy diet was due to her autism

Christine also shared that she has a “very sweet tooth” when asked about her “vices,” pointing to her love of Jelly Babies, wine gums and Curly Wurlys.

The mother of three, who split from ex-husband Top Gear presenter Paddy, 49, last summer after 11 years together, has openly discussed her experience with autism since being diagnosed in 2021.

She recently explored the late diagnosis of developmental disabilities in women in her BBC documentary Unmasking My Autism.

On the same program, she shared that she “didn’t want to live anymore” after being sexually assaulted and raped as a teenager between the ages of nine and eleven.

Christine and Paddy’s children – twins Leo and Penelope, ten, and Felicity, seven – also have autism.

Christine has previously revealed that they share the same food sensitivities, which led them to eat chicken nuggets and chips for dinner on Christmas Day.

UNDER THE MICROSCOPE: Model and autism campaigner Christine McGuinness, 35, takes our health quiz

Can you run up the stairs?

Yes. I have kids (twins Leo and Penelope, ten, and Felicity, seven), so I’m up and down the stairs all the time. I will try to go to the gym and do yoga a few times a week. I don’t do it for body image, but to switch off.

Do you get five a day?

No. One of the most common autistic traits [Christine was diagnosed in 2021] is a hypersensitivity to certain foods. I’ve never tasted a tomato. I live on pasta, pizza, potatoes, toast and bagels.

Ever been on a diet?

When I was a teenager my weight plummeted to about 7th. I’m 5ft 7in tall so I was seriously underweight. But these days I don’t weigh myself anymore. If my clothes fit, I’m happy.

Any vices?

I have quite a sweet tooth. From Jelly Babies to wine gums and Curly Wurlys.

Family ailments?

Me and my kids are autistic and my mom is pretty sure she is too, but she hasn’t been tested yet. Four aunts and my mother have had breast cancer. An aunt has sadly passed away, so there are three survivors and mom, who is in remission. I am checked regularly.

Dealing well with pain?

Very good. I had cesarean sections with all my children and after a few hours I was awake again.

Popping pills?

I started taking the hormone melatonin because I have insomnia. I get vivid nightmares so I don’t enjoy sleeping – and I toss and turn.

Would you have plastic surgery?

I had a breast augmentation after having children. Right now I don’t want to anymore, but I would never say never.

Tried alternative remedies?

Yoga is as alternative as it gets.

Ever been depressed?

Yes, very much in my teens, to the point where I was suicidal. The only thing holding me back was that I knew I wanted to be a mother, and I wanted to live for it. I still have moments where my mind can play games with me, but when I look at my kids I can’t spiral.

Hangover medicine?

In my teens I loved cranberry vodka because you couldn’t taste the alcohol; I never enjoyed the taste of alcohol. I haven’t had it in 15 years so I can’t remember what a hangover feels like. I stopped drinking because I was on this mission to become a mother.

What keeps you awake?

Insomnia. And my children. If you have children with additional needs, there are additional concerns.

Any phobias?

Any kind of creepy crawling and animal – I don’t even like cats and dogs.

Do you want to live forever?

My biggest ambition is to be there to take care of my children forever.

Christine is teaming up with Vanish and charity Ambitious About Autism on a new campaign: Me, My Autism And I.