Why this photo of a mobile speed camera operator on a lawn has sparked outrage
Australians have blamed a mobile speed camera operator for ripping up a lawn while trying to park on the side of the road.
The vehicle, which detects whether motorists are speeding, was spotted by drivers on a patch of grass in Lindfield, on Sydney’s Upper North Shore.
Photos of the vehicle were shared on Facebook and showed that the vehicle had left several tire tracks behind the warning sign.
The markings were more visible because the ground was wet due to the heavy rains that had fallen in the region in recent days.
Local residents were furious about the damage and expressed their frustration on social media.
Locals were outraged by the scene of tire tracks (pictured) left this week by the mobile vehicle with a speed detection camera parked on a nature strip in Lindfield, on Sydney’s Upper North Shore.
“How can we prevent these speed control cars from parking on the green verge,” someone wrote.
“Surely they can check our speed from a legally parked car on the road,” another added.
Others said the tire tracks are one of several problems affecting roads and curbs that need to be repaired, such as potholes.
According to Transport for NSW, mobile speed cameras can be ‘moved at different times and locations’.
Sydney residents have expressed their anger over the installation of speed cameras in several locations.
Many locals have claimed that the cameras are deliberately hidden behind parked cars so that they cannot be detected by motorists.
Residents who saw the vehicle (pictured) wondered if the car could have been parked elsewhere as they noticed motorists speeding
Some claim that speed camera warning signs have been placed behind curbside trash bins.
“You will see warning signs leading up to and after mobile speed cameras, as well as a sign on top of the vehicle for mobile speed cameras, when they are in use, so you know your speed is being monitored,” Transport for NSW says. website states.
According to the Road Amendment (Miscellaneous) Rule 2020 under the Road Transport Act 2013, vehicles used for traffic enforcement regulations are exempt from parking regulations relating to nature lanes.
These vehicles include mobile speed cameras and mobile phone detection cameras.
Daily Mail Australia has contacted Transport for NSW for further comment.