MLK ‘was assassinated by the US government’ says relative of civil rights icon


MLK ‘was murdered by the US government,’ a relative of the civil rights icon says after criticizing the ‘ghastly’ $10.5m statue that unveiled over the weekend to honor the legend

  • Seneca Scott, a relative of MLK, claimed Monday night that the civil rights icon had been assassinated by the US government.
  • Scott appeared on Fox News Monday night to discuss Boston’s controversial newly unveiled statue dedicated to MLK.
  • Scott claimed that his relative had been killed just as he was addressing social issues outside of race, such as class and the economy.

A cousin of Martin Luther King Jr.’s wife, Coretta Scott King, said the late civil rights leader was assassinated by the US government.

During an appearance with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Monday Night – Martin Luther King Jr. Day – Seneca Scott brought up the claim while discussing the controversial new MLK memorial that recently unveiled in Boston.

Scott said: ‘I would like to acknowledge that it is Martin Luther King Day and nothing should detract from your radical vision, Tucker. And he was assassinated by the United States government.

“He was killed just as he was going from talking about racial bigotry to talking about class and the war in Vietnam,” he said.

Civil rights leader Andrew Young (L) and others standing on the balcony of the Lorraine motel pointing in the direction of the assailant after the assassination of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who lies at his feet

Carlson agreed that MLK had been killed just as his focus had shifted to “populist economics”, adding that he did not know who killed him, but said it was “very obvious” that James Earl Ray did not act alone.

He mused aloud why there is no significant interest in the facts surrounding King’s murder, which include two foreign passports in Ray’s possession after the murder.

Mainly, Scott had been on the show to talk about the controversial new bronze statue in Boston called ‘The Embrace’, which Carlson described as ‘ugly at best, and pornographic at worst’.

It cost a whopping $10.5 million to create, part of which was public funds.

Seneca Scott agreed with Carlson’s description, calling the statue an “eyesore and an insult to the family.”

Tucker Carlson (left) and Seneca Scott (right) discuss the recently unveiled controversial MLK statue in Boston (right)

‘The Embrace’ in Boston. The statue was recently unveiled as a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. and is meant to celebrate an image of MLK and his wife Coretta Scott King.

Seneca Scott, a relative of MLK, claimed Monday that the civil rights icon was killed by the US government.

Carlson had previously claimed that a source told him the CIA had been involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

President John F. Kennedy and the first lady smile at the crowds lining their motorcade route in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. Minutes later, the president was assassinated.

Carlson recently concluded that the CIA was “involved” in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Carlson made the claim to his viewers after the release of thousands of never-before-seen files related to the JFK assassination, though he noted that thousands are still being held.

The popular commentator said he had spoken to “someone who has access to these still hidden CIA documents” and asked that person: “Did the CIA have anything to do with the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a US president? ?’

Carlson said his source responded: ‘The answer is yes. I think they were involved. It’s a completely different country than we thought it was. Everything is false.

Several weeks ago, the National Archives on Thursday released 13,173 redacted documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, offering historians and conspiracy hunters a new trove of details.

However, hundreds of other documents remain secret.

The little information that remains redacted in the CIA records in the Collection consists of intelligence sources and methods, some dating back to the 1990s, initially provided to provide the JFK Review Board with general context on the CIA, the publication of which would actually cause identifiable damage. to intelligence operations,’ a CIA spokesman said.

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