Millennial woman slammed for revealing why her Gen Z co-workers hate their jobs: ‘Stop whining’

Young woman reveals extraordinary reason why Gen Zs don’t want to work: ‘Old people need to check their priorities’

  • Demi Korsoris revealed why she doesn’t believe in traditional careers
  • Millennials and Gen Z prioritize their personal lives over work

Gen Zs and millennials don’t want to work because they’re too busy with their lives – according to a young woman who argues that the older generations are the ones who don’t have their priorities straight.

Demi Kotsoris argues that older people need to experience a “life-changing” event before they are willing to put themselves first.

While young people simply ‘learn from their mistakes’.

Demi is ‘tired’ of older generations berating young people for their mediocre work ethic.

“Older generations are so confused about why we don’t want to work hard anymore or prioritize our careers,” she said in a video.

Demi Kotsoris [pictured] is a millennial who is “tired” of older generations berating young people for their lackluster work ethic

“We know how short life is right now — and it didn’t have to come from a life-changing event,” she said.


What do you think?

  • Young people have no work ethic and need to stop whining 210 votes
  • Gen Z and millennials have a good idea of ​​life 8 votes
  • There should be a work-life balance for everyone 97 votes

Demi recalled several conversations she had with older people who had experienced sudden loss and grief.

“There’s always a reason for them to live life to the fullest and prioritize themselves,” Demi said.

“But my generation doesn’t need that anymore — we’ve seen it happen to other people and we’re starting to pick different priorities from the start.”

“Now we have access to information and we’ve weathered a pandemic – we see life differently than ever before.”

Even having a workplace that is purposeful and has great values ​​is not enough to influence it either.

“We still want to travel and do other things with our lives,” she said.

But Demi admitted that even she is confused by the concept.

“It’s also confusing for us because we have all these privileges and the work we’re doing is great — but we’re still depressed, hate our lives, and don’t want to work.”

The millennial attributed those feelings to the fact that they did not place the same value on work as generations before.

“Access to information has made us smarter,” she concluded.

Many agreed with Demi’s reasoning and shared their own thoughts.

“Work was a whole different deal for boomers,” said one woman. “It went like this: Buy a cheap house, you get easy promotions, respect at work and a golden handshake at 55.”

“Some of my colleagues get mad because I work part-time,” one man revealed. “I tell them to spend time with their family and live their lives – the company will find another employee when you retire anyway.”

A third added: ‘People were never meant to work the way our parents did. I like goal-oriented work, but regular breaks prevent burnout.’

A woman has finally spilled the beans on why millennials and Gen Z workers ‘refuse’ to work and are content with the bare minimum at their jobs

Some older people wish they had spent more of their childhood making memories.

“I love focusing on your life – I regret wasting so much time working, I just lost my husband and he was only 51. Life is too short,” said one widow.

“Work doesn’t get you much,” said one man. ‘I was forced to retire after 40 years of 60-hour working weeks because a machine can now do my job. Instead, spend time with your loved ones.”

But others were still focused on old-fashioned work ideals.

“Millennials won’t work hard, but they’ll be the first to complain they can’t buy a house,” said one man snidely.

“All young people know how to complain. You should look for real jobs instead of spending your time on TikTok.”

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