Microsoft Teams is working on a great way to silence the most annoying channel

Finding peace from the countless Microsoft Teams channels and chats that plague your workday should soon be a lot easier thanks to a new update.

The company has confirmed that it is working on a new feature for its videoconferencing service that will allow users to hide common channels, “so you can focus on the channels that matter most to you.”

The feature is already available through other channels and should certainly help improve the productivity of Microsoft Teams users everywhere, and hopefully reduce the number of useless or disruptive notifications or pings.

Hide general Microsoft Teams channels

Currently mention listed in the official Microsoft 365 roadmap as “in development”, the feature will be released sometime in February 2024, meaning users hopefully won’t have to wait too long to silence those pesky generic channels.

Once released, it will be available to users on Windows, Mac, and web, as well as mobile users on Android and iOS, and will also be available across multiple cloud instances for both general availability users.

The news is the latest tweak to Microsoft Teams in recent weeks, aimed at making the service less intrusive and more intuitive for users.

The platform recently announced a new update that will allow users to manage calendar notifications directly in their Microsoft Teams Activity Feed, meaning there will no longer be a bit of scrambling between apps and services to quell an annoying pop-up or alert.

The platform also recently revealed that it is rolling out the ability to forward messages between Microsoft Teams chats with just one click, saving users time when communicating important notes or alerts.

In addition, a new Windows 11 build is set to put Microsoft Teams reminders in the featured section of the Start menu, meaning video conference call alerts will be much clearer, which hopefully means you’ll never miss or forget a meeting again .

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