To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II, Microsoft Flight Simulator has recently been Famous Flyer 9 DLC, which adds two iconic pieces of aviation history. The $14.99 DLC currently available on the in-game marketplace adds the Douglas C-47 Skytrain and the Waco CG-4A glider. Sales of the DLC through July 5 will benefit the USOa non-profit organization dedicated to serving America’s military personnel and their families during their service in the armed forces.
These two unarmed aircraft were designed to transport troops and supplies and were crucial to the success of the invasion of Europe during World War II. The C-47 Skytrain, affectionately known as the “Gooney Bird,” was the primary method of getting paratroopers into the area. occupied France to disrupt enemy operations and clear the way for a seaborne invasion of Normandy. After World War II, the C-47 continued operations in support of the Berlin Airlift and would remain in service with the U.S. Air Force until 1967.
The Waco CG-4A was used during World War II to covertly land special operations units in occupied territory or to supplement airborne operations limited by the number of available aircraft. The lightweight glider was towed to altitude by a C-47 or similar aircraft, decoupled before the drop zone and made a controlled landing in a clear area of terrain.
While not as exciting as the Ornithopter DLC, these two aircraft are an essential addition to the growing list of military and civilian aircraft available to fly in Microsoft Flight Simulator. If you want to give these World War II relics a try, you can currently purchase the Famous Flyer 9 DLC through the in-game Microsoft Flight Simulator marketplace.