Microsoft Edge breaks Windows 11’s tablet mode in bizarre glitch

Microsoft Edge is reportedly a bit out of whack with its latest update, at least for some users who see the web browser presented in a touchscreen form – on desktops where that’s not necessary.

What is happening here? Well, like Latest versions of Windows reports, after opening Edge and finding the updated browser, the browser client had larger spaces between interface elements (including tabs) and wider buttons.

This is the configuration used to improve the browser for touchscreens, giving you more space to tap items, but the problem is that the mode is supposed to appear on Windows 10 and Windows 11 PCs, which are normal desktop computers (without touchscreen).

Windows Latest observes that what’s happening is that Microsoft mistakenly forced tablet-friendly mode to be enabled with Edge, at least on some desktops, which are somehow identified wrongly like tablets – including the system used by the author for the technical site.

Analysis: A confusing and frankly bizarre bug

Well, this is news – and a very strange one – about us. Luckily, there’s a simple remedy which, as Windows Latest points out, involves simply diving into Edge’s Settings panel, going to “Appearances” and turning off “touch mode” – which was accidentally enabled here.

For those who aren’t familiar with touch mode, or don’t know it exists at all, the updated Edge could be very confusing. Some users may assume that this is a new design that Microsoft is trying for the browser and will wonder the reason for this decision.

Now, don’t get me wrong: Touch Mode is very useful to have and apply when needed (with a touchscreen, of course). But this illicit application is in some cases a pretty egregious mistake on Microsoft’s part, and is not a helpful move in the quest for Edge to be considered one of the best web browsers around.

According to Windows Latest, the bug can be replicated on Microsoft Edge version 117 (with default settings), and users on Reddit are complaining about this issue. Like a Editor says, they’re “a little shocked” that Microsoft didn’t notice before releasing the latest update, and we’re more than a little shocked ourselves.

There is a suggestion on another Reddit post that a fix has been deployed, but there are still reports of people being affected. Regardless, you can fix things yourself using the mentioned toggle (in Settings) quite easily, thankfully.

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