Michigan Democrats poised to test ambitious environmental goals in the industrial Midwest

LANSING, MI — Michigan is on the cusp of implementing one of the nation’s most ambitious clean energy mandates, with a goal of net-zero carbon by 2040. This is a crucial test for Democrats’ environmental goals in a state with a long tradition of manufacturing.

Michigan will join four other states in requiring utilities to transition to 100% carbon-free energy generation by 2040, under legislation soon to be signed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The state has also set a goal for utilities to generate 50% of their energy. from renewable sources by 2030, a significant jump from the current 12%.

The state-level mandates support the Biden administration’s goals of a carbon-pollution-free electricity sector by 2035 and a net-zero emissions economy by 2050.

The clean energy package, which was passed by Democrats in the Michigan Legislature this month, is being praised by environmental groups. Lisa Wozniak, executive director of the Michigan League of Conservation Voters, said she hopes Michigan’s plan will serve as a model for other states.

“Michigan is in the heart of the industrial Midwest. What happens here sets the tone for what could happen across the country,” Wozniak said.

Michigan ranked 11th nationally in electricity consumption in 2021, with the majority coming from coal, natural gas and motor gasoline. Of the 12% produced from renewable sources last year, most came from wind blowing across the Great Lakes.

A resource that is naturally replenished over time and comes from solar, water, or wind energy is considered renewable. Under the package, clean energy includes renewable sources, in addition to nuclear energy and natural gas. Natural gas can only be used if utilities capture and store the CO2 emissions.

Achieving the goal of 50% renewables by 2030, and 60% five years later, will require a massive buildout of utility-scale renewables in Michigan.

Just over 17,000 acres of land in the state are currently being used for wind and solar energy generation, according to Dan Scripps, chairman of the Michigan Public Service Commission. Scripps told lawmakers at a Nov. 7 committee hearing that an additional 209,000 acres of land will be needed for projects seeking to meet the 60% renewable energy target.

To accomplish this, Michigan lawmakers plan to give the state’s Public Service Commission the authority to deputize local governments in approving these major projects.

The provision has quickly become the most controversial part of the package. A local government coalition, including the Michigan Association of Counties, has strongly opposed it, with the Michigan Township Association claiming it stifles input from local officials and residents in communities where these facilities will continue to operate for decades to come.

The public response to the Democrats’ ambitious energy plan could have far-reaching consequences for the party in 2024. Michigan was a crucial part of the Democrats’ “blue wall,” which also includes Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, and which helped Joe Biden build White House to win in 2024. 2020.

The clean energy plan only became possible after Michigan Democrats flipped both chambers of the Legislature last year while retaining power in the governor’s office to gain full control of the state government for the first time in four decades .

The package will also increase energy efficiency requirements and increase the cap on rooftop solar from 1% to 10% of each utility’s five-year average peak load.

Connecticut, New York, Oregon and Minnesota all share Michigan’s timeline to achieve carbon-free energy by 2040, while Rhode Island has set a goal of using 100% renewable energy by 2033, according to the Clean Energy States Alliance.

Questions linger about how well the mandates will work and whether states will adhere to the timelines. Michigan law contains a provision that allows for expansion of the requirements if there is “good cause.”