Michele Bullock: Chaos as new Reserve Bank boss’s first big speech is ruined by screaming protesters who try and hand her a Centrelink form

Michele Bullock: Chaos as new Reserve Bank boss’s first major speech is ruined by screaming protesters trying to hand her a Centrelink form

The first major speech by Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock was marred by angry protesters who uttered profanities and handed her a job seeker form.

Chaotic scenes broke out just before she was about to start her speech at the Sir Leslie Melville Lecture at the Australian National University in Canberra on Tuesday, to discuss the impact of climate change and how the financial sector is being affected.

Ms Bullock was introduced on stage in the lecture hall by ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt before being cut off by angry protesters.

The protesters stormed the theater and marched in front of the stage with megaphones in hand and a giant printout of a cover letter with Ms. Bullock text on it.

Reserve Bank Governor Michele Bullock (pictured) was interrupted by protesters as she was about to begin her speech to the Sir Leslie Melville Lecture at the Australian National University.

Angry protesters stormed the lecture hall holding a giant printout of a job application letter with Ms Bullock's name

Angry protesters stormed the lecture hall holding a giant printout of a job application letter with Ms Bullock’s name

They seized on comments Ms Bullock had made earlier, saying she would like to see Australia’s near-record low unemployment rate of 3.6 per cent rise to 4.5 per cent.

“Hey Michele, you say 140,000 people should lose their jobs, how do you justify that?” shouted the protesters, according to the ABC.

“The cost of living crisis is being driven by corporate greed.”

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