Michelangelo’s Creation of Man has been called a symbol of “white supremacy.”

  • Woke author Robin DiAngelo believes the artwork represents white patriarchy because Adam and God are depicted as white men
  • Not only does she think that white people are in control, but that they are also afraid

Michelangelo’s masterpiece, The Creation of Man, on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is a symbol of white supremacy, according to one woke writer.

The world-famous work of art depicting a white Adam extending his hand to God has come under fire.

It has been called ‘the perfect convergence’ of Caucasian rule.

American author Robin DiAngelo, who is known for her strong, woke views, spoke to the legendary Italian artist on Jalon Johnson’s podcast ‘Not Your Ordinary Parts’.

The insulted author said, “The only image I use to capture the concept of white supremacy is Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, God creating man.”

‘You know, where God is in a cloud and there are all these angels and he reaches out and he touches – I don’t know who that is, David or something – and God is white and David’s white and the angels are white .’

“That’s the perfect amalgamation of white supremacy, patriarchy, right?”

Woke Author Robbin DiAngelo Believes Michelangelo’s Masterpiece Is a ‘Symbol of White Supremacy’

The world famous Sistine Chapel took Michelangelo four years to paint and was finished in 1512

The world famous Sistine Chapel took Michelangelo four years to paint and was finished in 1512

DiAngelo believes that white people maintain their patriarchy by reproducing whiteness in “everyday stories” to spread the common idea that whiteness is the norm.

Not only does she believe that white people are a patriarchy that keeps other races oppressed, she also believes that white people are inherently fearful.

In her 2018 book “White Fragility,” she wrote: “White people in the US and other white settler colonialist societies live in a racially isolated social environment.

“This isolation increases our expectations for racial comfort while lowering our endurance for enduring racial stress.

“I call this lack of racial endurance White Fragility.

‘White Fragility is a condition in which even a minimal challenge to the white position becomes intolerable, triggering a series of defensive movements including: argument, withdrawal, silence, disengagement and claims of being attacked and misunderstood.

“These movements are intended to restore white racial balance and maintain control.”

“White Fragility” shot to number one on the New York Times bestseller list in the wake of the murder of George Floyd.

In addition to her royalties from the book, which at one point reportedly sold 20,000 copies every week, she is also said to have earned more than half a million pounds in the year after Floyd’s death from lecturing.

DiAngelo's book 'White Fragility' shot to number one on the New York Times bestseller list in the wake of George Floyd's murder

DiAngelo’s book ‘White Fragility’ shot to number one on the New York Times bestseller list in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

The world-famous Sistine Chapel took Michelangelo four years to paint and was finished in 1512.

It was created in the middle of the Italian High Renaissance and has consistently ranked among the top 10 most famous paintings of all time.

Today the chapel is visited by approximately 5 million tourists every year.