Meta’s AI Chief Is Right to Call AI Fear-mongering ‘BS’, But Not for the Reason He Thinks

AI is the latest technology monster that makes people fearful about the future. Legitimate concerns around issues such as ethical training, environmental impact and AI-powered scams all too easily turn into nightmares of Skynet and the Matrix. The prospect of AI becoming sentient and overthrowing humanity is often discussed, but as Meta’s AI chief Yann LeCun told The Wall Street Journalthe idea is “complete BS”. LeCun described AI as less intelligent than a cat and incapable of plotting or even desiring anything at all, let alone the demise of our species.

LeCun is right when he says AI isn’t planning to kill humanity, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to worry about. I’m much more concerned about people trusting AI to be smarter than it is. AI is just another technology, which means it is neither good nor bad. But the law of unintended consequences suggests that it’s not a good idea to rely on AI for important, life-changing decisions.