Messy teenager, 19, is accused of strangling college administrator mother, 43, to death after she served him eviction notice for refusing to get a job or clean his room

  • Kobold, 19, faces two counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault
  • 43-year-old mother Shanelle Burns was found dead in their home
  • Kobold tries to act as his own advocate, pending a sanity test

A 19-year-old Indiana man faces decades in prison and questions about his mental health after allegedly strangling his mother.

Conner Kobold, 19, has been charged with two counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault in connection with the death of his mother, 43-year-old Shanelle Burns.

On February 5, police were dispatched to the home where Kobold and Burns lived in Valparaiso.

Burns was found unconscious and not breathing in the living room, while Kobold shockingly confessed to strangling her. She was later pronounced dead at a local hospital.

Kobold now faces a mental health investigation, due to his decision to defend himself at trial and the reason he allegedly killed his mother.

Conner Kobold, 19, has been charged with two counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault in connection with the death of his mother, 43-year-old Shanelle Burns

Relations between mother and son were so tense that she sent him a deportation letter.

She gave him 30 days to find a full-time job, clean his room, and help out around the house, which is what reportedly pushed Kobold over the edge.

Because Kobold is trying to be his own advocate, District Court Judge Michael Fish has called in a mental health professional to examine his mental capacity.

β€œI want Dr. (Anand) Popli to give his opinion on whether you are capable of representing yourself,” Fish said Friday.

Fish asked, “I think the most important thing is that I make sure you understand that the sentence for murder is 45 to 65 years. Do you understand that?”

β€œYes, your honor,” said Kobold.

Fish also tried to explain to him the pros and cons of being your own lawyer and what qualifications they typically require.

He was then asked, β€œDo you think you have any skills or talents that would help you represent yourself better?”

Burns gave her son 30 days to find a full-time job, clean his room, and help out around the house. This is what reportedly pushed Kobold over the edge

Burns gave her son 30 days to find a full-time job, clean his room, and help out around the house. This is what reportedly pushed Kobold over the edge

Kobold replied, “I believe my case is so unique that the only person who can explain what happened and why it happened is myself.”

Fish asked Kobold about his education, his experiences in the courtroom and with public speaking.

Kobold said he had a high school education and had practiced public speaking during his school years, but had never been in court before.

He then admitted that he had been to a psychiatric institution twice and had seen five different psychologists.

Kobold said that despite his objections, he would not be influenced in his own performance in court.

He was then asked whether he planned to enter a plea or whether his first act as a lawyer would be to go to court.

β€œI will do everything I can to help the court and the jury make the best decision about my situation,” Kobold said.

After being told that he had to make his own decision, he said he would negotiate with the state first.

On February 5, police were dispatched to the home where Kobold and Burns lived in Valparaiso

On February 5, police were dispatched to the home where Kobold and Burns lived in Valparaiso

Fish gave Kobold permission to defend himself pending what the doctor says about the suspect’s mental health.

If convicted on all three charges, Kobold faces 45 to 84 years in prison and a $20,000 fine.

The trial date has been set for August 6.