Men can get pregnant and WOMEN can have a penis: The woke nonsense being taught in British schools

A third of British schoolchildren have been taught that a woman can have a penis, it was claimed today.

A survey of more than 1,000 children between the ages of 16 and 18 also found that one in five was told that men can get pregnant, even though it is biologically impossible.

Two-thirds were taught that biological sex was “assigned” at birth by medical professionals. This, according to their logic, meant that it could be changed later in life.

The same poll found that one in ten schoolchildren want to change gender – or have already done so. A third know a classmate who does, according to Civitas, the think tank that conducted the report.

Tory MPs today condemned the damning findings, claiming children are being used as a “psychological and social experiment”.

A survey of more than 1,000 children between the ages of 16 and 18 also found that one in five was told that men can get pregnant, even though it is biologically impossible. Two-thirds were taught that biological sex was “assigned” at birth by medical professionals. This, according to their logic, meant that it could be changed later in life

Concerns about the emergence of awakened gender lessons in education echo similar concerns about trans-friendly language used in the NHS.

All teens were asked what teachers, or a speaker invited to their school, had taught them about a variety of gender and sex-related issues.

However, schools were not asked to confirm the students’ answers, which means that students may also have heard about such topics through another source, such as social media.

Overall, 32 percent of teens said they had been told a woman could have a penis, the male reproductive organ, and another 6 percent said they weren’t sure.

And 20 percent said they were taught that men can get pregnant, which currently only biological women can. Another 4 percent were unsure whether men could give birth to babies.

In addition, 67 percent said they had received lessons about how a person’s gender, whether male or female, is “assigned” by clinicians at birth.

The idea of ​​gender being ‘assigned’ at birth is controversial because it opens the door to the prospect that such an assignment of male or female could be wrong and therefore subject to change.

Such language has been harshly criticized by some midwives, who claim that they are not assigning a baby’s sex, but simply observing and recording a biological fact.

Another aspect of the poll asked students whether they, or any of their classmates, want or have wanted to change gender.

A shocking 10 percent said yes, while another 29 percent said while they didn’t, one of their classmates had wondered if they were really a boy or a girl.

Trans women, biological men who identify as women, can still have their male genitalia despite their new gender identity.

However, some choose to have their penis and testicles removed as part of feminization surgery.

Nearly a third are taught that a “woman can have a penis.” While one in five was told that “a man can get pregnant,” the report from think tank Civitas (stock image) found

Tory MP Miriam Cates, a former teacher and member of the House of Commons Education Committee, said: ‘What is happening in our schools under the guise of sex education is a population-level psychological and social experiment on our children’

While biological males and females can sometimes naturally have part or all of the opposite sex’s genitals, this is very rare and occurs in the womb as the baby develops.

People with such conditions are sometimes referred to as intersex or have differences in sexual development.

But only biological females can ever get pregnant, as biological males have neither the eggs to conceive a child nor a uterus to carry a baby.

This also applies to trans people, with only trans men, biological women who identify as men, able to conceive.

The report also found that of the 1,097 parents of 12- to 16-year-olds surveyed, 77 percent want the legal right to see all educational materials about sex and relationships.

Jo-Anne Nadler, author of the Civitas report, said: ‘Parents need full access to RSHE (relationships, sexual and health education) materials to rebuild confidence, although the problem is not limited to single classes.

‘Governments should be open about their role in embedding politics in the curriculum and sometimes also in the wider school culture.’

Tory MP Miriam Cates, a former teacher and member of the House of Commons Education Committee, said: ‘What is happening in our schools under the guise of sex education is a population-level psychological and social experiment on our children. This can’t go on like this.’

A spokesman for the Ministry of Education said: ‘The Minister of Education is working with the Minister for Women’s Affairs to support schools in relation to children who have doubts about their gender.

‘This guide will clarify the legal position of schools and the importance of involving parents in making decisions about their child.’

Gender-neutral or gender-removing policies and language have also sparked controversy in the NHS.

The health service has previously come under fire for using terms such as ‘breastfeeding’ instead of breastfeeding, ‘breast milk’ instead of breast milk and ‘parent in labour’.

Some NHS organizations have also been criticized for advising that 12-year-old boys should be asked if they are pregnant before some scans.


Only women can make eggs, making it impossible for a male-to-female trans woman to conceive naturally.

Scientists believe that it is theoretically possible to impregnate a trans woman with IVF, when the eggs are fertilized outside the body and then inserted.

But it would need a healthy uterus to grow into.

There has only been one documented case of a uterus transplant in a male-born trans woman — but she died of complications just months later.

Female-to-male trans people can still get pregnant.

But only if they haven’t had a hysterectomy as part of their menopause or taken hormone-blocking drugs that prevent them from producing eggs.

There are no definitive figures on the number of transgender people who have given birth worldwide or in Britain.

Seventy-five people who identified as male gave birth in 2020 in Australia, the most comparable country with data.

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