Memphis utility lifts boil-water advisory after 5 days following deep freeze that burst pipes

Memphis’ water utility on Tuesday lifted a boil water advisory for more than 600,000 people that had been in effect for five days because freezing temperatures broke pipes in the southern city.

Memphis Light, Gas and Water says its water quality tests meet state and federal standards, and that residential and business customers will no longer be asked to boil water for three minutes before drinking it or using it to brush their teeth and prepare food. prepare.

The utility issued the notice Friday after snowfall and subzero temperatures caused home pipes and water pipes to burst, leading to low water pressure that could have caused harmful bacteria to contaminate the water supply.

It was the third time in the past three years that a winter storm prompted a boil advisory.

Memphis was the largest, but not the only, water system in Tennessee to experience problems due to the unusually cold weather, which has caused dozens of deaths across the U.S. this month, many from hypothermia or traffic accidents. The Tennessee Department of Health reported 36 weather-related fatalities in the state on Tuesday.

More than two dozen water systems are under boil water notices and 19 counties reported operational issues with their water utilities, according to the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency.

The South’s water infrastructure isn’t built for heavy snow, large ice accumulations and days of subzero temperatures, said Sarah Houston, executive director of Protect Our Aquifer.

“Our water pipes are not below the frost line. They are not isolated. And they’re old,” she said. “If we had building codes like up north, they would bury the lines deeper. Everyone’s pipes are in the center of the house. Everything is isolated.”

Meanwhile, residents of the town of Mason in rural Tipton County, east of Memphis, still had no running water Tuesday after losing service last week. The city’s fire department said there was no timetable for water restoration.

Annie Christmas Cocke, a 36-year-old real estate agent, lives in Mason with her husband, two young sons, their dog Cricket and a collection of goats and horses. They lost all water services on January 16th.

Cocke and her family had stockpiled gallons of water because Mason, northeast of Memphis, has lost water service in the past, and she wanted to be ready. She has also traveled to the homes of family and friends who have water to fill containers.

“It’s been very difficult,” she said. “Because of the snow, no shops had water. Luckily I was prepared, but I didn’t know it was going to be this… It’s been a mess.”

Mason has had a history of financial mismanagement, including allegations of official misconduct against former city leaders, Cocke noted.

“This is due to years of misuse of funds and failure to use our tax dollars for necessary maintenance and improvements,” she said.

Justin Hanson served two terms as mayor of the city of Covington in Tipton County, from 2014 to 2022. Covington is not under a boil water advisory, so he has had Cocke come to his house to refill water containers.

Hanson said rural government leaders must prioritize infrastructure investment. State funds could be used to help maintain infrastructure, with minimal local contributions, he said.

In general, infrastructure problems don’t develop overnight, nor can they be solved overnight, Hanson said.

“Either you pay now and make the investment now and stay ahead of looming problems, or you pay a lot more for repairs later,” Hanson said.