Melbourne meteor: Loud bang and ‘earthquake’ felt after ‘comet’ seen in sky

Melbourne meteor: Loud bang and ‘earthquake’ felt after ‘comet’ seen in sky

Dozens of people in Melbourne claimed they felt the ground shake last night, shortly after something resembling a comet was seen burning through the sky.

Shortly after midnight, residents took to Twitter to say they’d felt the Earth move — while others posted photos of something glowing in the night sky.

Shortly after midnight, residents took to Twitter to say they’d felt the Earth move — while others posted photos of something glowing in the night sky.

“We’re pretty sure we just had another aftershock in Melbourne #earthquake,” Steve Forbes wrote.

“There was 100% earthquake in Melbourne about 3 minutes ago,” another person said.

And Ken Roy asked, ‘Earthquake and a huge comet at the same time? Will the world end?’

Others claimed they saw a “possible” meteor in the sky.

“Did anyone in Victoria/Melbourne just see a shooting star/comet/space debris over the south!?” Shannon asked.

Another stargazer added: ‘Eyewtiness is now reporting on the radio that there was a loud explosion in the sky over Melbourne just after midnight. Possible meteor or space debris.’

Others claimed they saw a “possible” meteor in the sky

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