Melbourne hoon Andrew Drew sobs in court after losing car for inciting illegal races and burnouts


A taunt who taunted police for inciting illegal street cars has cried in court after a judge forced him to lose his beloved Holden Commodore.

Andrew Drew, 23, was sent to jail this week after participating in dangerous driving offenses in Melbourne’s southern and northern suburbs.

The protagonist in the hoon meet scene organized and participated in illegal races and burnouts.

Andrew Drew (pictured) took part in the illegal antics in front of hundreds of spectators as they filmed, with some running up to the cars and performing stunts

Andrew Drew (pictured) took part in the illegal antics in front of hundreds of spectators as they filmed, with some running up to the cars and performing stunts

Drew's vehicle, bearing the RN4MUK rego plates, (pictured) was tracked down by officers in December

Drew's vehicle, bearing the RN4MUK rego plates, (pictured) was tracked down by officers in December

Drew’s vehicle, bearing the RN4MUK rego plates, (pictured) was tracked down by officers in December

Drew also put a Dominos Pizza topper on his car and let passengers hang out while high-fives the spectators (pictured, an image found on Drew's social media page)

Drew also put a Dominos Pizza topper on his car and let passengers hang out while high-fives the spectators (pictured, an image found on Drew's social media page)

Drew also put a Dominos Pizza topper on his car and let passengers hang out while high-fives the spectators (pictured, an image found on Drew’s social media page)

1665713603 225 Melbourne hoon Andrew Drew sobs in court after losing car

1665713603 225 Melbourne hoon Andrew Drew sobs in court after losing car

Drew’s ex-girlfriend Zara Lunney-Adams (pictured) was “an active participant from start to finish,” the prosecutor said.

Drew took part in the illegal antics in front of hundreds of spectators as they filmed, and some ran to the cars and performed stunts.

Some events attracted 200 racers competing against each other.

Drew also put a Dominos Pizza topper on his car and let passengers hang out of it while giving onlookers high-fives.

The street meet kingpin also sparked rivalry between the ‘Southeast Skids’ and ‘Northern Skids’.

His Commodore has been under police surveillance since he was spotted in various illegal street activities last November.

The vehicle, with the RN4MUK rego plates, was tracked down by officers in December.

Drew cried in court after forfeiting his beloved Holden Commodore (pictured) before being sent to jail

Drew cried in court after forfeiting his beloved Holden Commodore (pictured) before being sent to jail

Drew cried in court after forfeiting his beloved Holden Commodore (pictured) before being sent to jail

The prosecution said Drew had no respect for the criminal justice system (photo, a photo found on social media of the scorn)

The prosecution said Drew had no respect for the criminal justice system (photo, a photo found on social media of the scorn)

The prosecution said Drew had no respect for the criminal justice system (photo, a photo found on social media of the scorn)

Drew tried to evade arrest by convincing an employee Caleb Cromarty, 21, that he was the driver of the vehicle.

His then-girlfriend, Zara Lunney-Adams, 20, had transferred $1,000 to Cromarty to comply with the fraud.

But Cromarty failed to convince the police and forced Drew to finally confess to the crimes.

After police gained access to Drew’s phone, officers discovered that he had been instrumental in the illegal street rallies.

Drew set up ten illegal gatherings using Snapchat in March 2021 and February this year, including disdainful police.

“Okay, it’s that time of the week again, get your sets, get your 16-year-old s***s and let’s bring back the good old days,” Drew said in one of the messages.

‘You know the drill, no encounters at servos don’t bring us to our attention… If the police come to block them… remember we are against them… if they follow you, you go on a walk.

“Protect your friends when they change” [tyres] and stand ya f****n ground … first place will be sent at 9:29 PM.

‘#f***vicpol #southdoesitbest.’

Police were able to link the illegal meeting times and dates to Drew’s Snapchat messages.

Drew took part in the illegal antics in front of hundreds of spectators as they filmed, with some running to the cars and performing stunts (photo, burnout posted on his social media)

Drew took part in the illegal antics in front of hundreds of spectators as they filmed, with some running to the cars and performing stunts (photo, burnout posted on his social media)

Drew took part in the illegal antics in front of hundreds of spectators as they filmed, with some running to the cars and performing stunts (photo, burnout posted on his social media)

Authorities had broken up illegal gatherings in the southern and northern suburbs of Melbourne, which Drew had encouraged to argue with each other.

Drew pleaded guilty to rolled charges of sedition and reckless conduct in County Court on Wednesday.

The prosecution said Drew had no respect for the criminal justice system.

He was clocked 30-35km over the limit last August and has been previously convicted of perjury and other driving violations.

Drew’s supporters laughed in court as his cheeky messages were read and his video antics played out.

Judge John Carmody sent Drew into custody, with the taunt throwing his hands to his head and sobbing after the defense failed to resist a petition forfeiting his beloved Commodore.

He will be sentenced on October 18, along with Cromarty and Lunney-Adams.

Both have been accused of attempting to distort the course of justice.

Lunney-Adams was “an active participant from start to finish,” the prosecutor said.