Megyn Kelly says recent polling numbers are ‘devastating’ for Biden’s reelection hopes as he trails Trump by 35 points in handling the border with host ripping migrants flooding the country under ‘bulls***’ asylum requests

Megyn Kelly claimed that recent polls showing Joe Biden trailing Donald Trump by 35 points on dealing with the border are “devastating” for the president.

Speaking to The Fifth Column co-host Kmele Foster and International Women’s Forum senior policy analyst Inez Stepman on The Megyn Kelly Show, Kelly said that “if nothing changes, Trump will win the election” in November.

Kelly used the poll to highlight that neither Trump nor Biden had passed immigration reform and then called out what she said was a false idea that the migrants are “asylum seekers,” saying most of their claims are “bull***.”

It’s all nonsense*** because most asylum seekers do not apply for asylum. It is a lie! They could have applied for asylum there Mexico. They went right through Mexico because they wanted to be here,” Kelly said.

She added: “They don’t want to actually assimilate many of them, but they want the government to control this. They want a driver’s license. They want to do all the things that American citizens do, without doing the things that people who immigrated here legally and jumped through all the hoops had to do.”

Megyn Kelly hammered recent poll numbers showing Joe Biden trailing Donald Trump by 35 points on handling the border as ‘devastating’ for the president

She noted that there could nevertheless be “more funding for processing asylum claims” and that Biden and Trump “didn’t do it” despite having both houses of Congress during the first two years of their presidencies.

Kelly said the current plan gives Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who could face impeachment, far too much power.

“Those people need to be processed, and we need to find out who really needs our help and shares our values. But we don’t do any of that. And now they want to give Mayorkas a magic wand to say, ‘I consider you asylum seekers.’ Welcome to America!’ That’s not how it works.

The poll cited by Kelly showed Trump beating President Joe Biden on several key issues, with just months before the conventions officially kick off the 2024 general election season.

Most notably, Trump has surged ahead of Biden when it comes to voters’ views of the two older candidates’ competence and effectiveness as leaders. In June 2020, Trump, 77.9 percent, trailed Biden, 81, in this category, but a new NBC News poll The figures released on Sunday show that the former president now has a 16-point lead: 48 percent to 32 percent.

The biggest divide, however, is in handling immigration and securing the southern border, where 57 percent of voters say they approve of Trump’s approach, compared to just 22 percent who say Biden has done a good job on that issue.

Kelly also criticized Nikki Haley, Trump’s only remaining rival for the Republican nomination, for her appearance on Saturday Night Live last week.

‘I have serious questions about whether this is a good idea. What’s next? The daily show? What about Scarborough? Tiptoe through those tulips. Rachel Maddow? Joy Reid? Why doesn’t she go to her show? I do not understand.’

Kelly noted that despite this, “there could be more funding for processing asylum claims” and that Biden (pictured left) and Trump (pictured right) “didn’t do it” despite having both houses of Congress for their first two years. of their presidencies

Kelly used the poll to highlight that neither Trump nor Biden had passed immigration reform and then called out what she said is the false idea of ​​the migrants as “asylum seekers,” calling most of their claims “bulls***.”

Kelly also criticized Nikki Haley, Trump’s only remaining rival for the GOP nomination, for her appearance on Saturday Night Live last week.

Haley made a surprise cameo on SNL to jokingly confess that she should have admitted that slavery caused the Civil War when her presidential campaign fizzled out.

This week’s Saturday Night Live episode opened with a CNN town hall skit in which Haley is asked “what do you think was the main cause of the Civil War – and do you think it starts with an ‘S’ and ends with an ‘ lavery’? ‘.

“Yeah, I probably should have said that the first time,” Haley replied before delivering the iconic “Live from New York” line.

Kelly acknowledged that the slavery incident was “a stupid answer,” but still questioned the strategy of going on SNL.

‘I like Vivek Ramaswamy’s philosophy of going everywhere and trying to get as many votes as possible. I’m just not sure if SNL is one of the venues where potential voices are available,” she said.

Haley used her SNL appearance to take shots at her opponent, former President Donald Trump.

“My question is, why don’t you debate Nikki Haley,” Haley asked Trump, played by James Austin Johnson, as a “concerned voter from South Carolina.”

“Oh my God, it’s the woman who was in charge of security on January 6,” Johnson, like Trump, exclaimed. “It’s Nancy Pelosi.”

Kelly said the current immigration plan gives Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who could face impeachment, far too much power.

A new NBC News poll released Sunday shows Donald Trump ahead of President Joe Biden in almost every category — from competency to border security to the economy

The same poll has Biden at an all-time low, with just 37 percent approval and 60 percent disapproval

Haley continued by telling Johnson as Trump, “Are you doing well Donald, do you need a mental competency test?”

Haley’s presidential campaign is fading, with recent polls showing former President Donald Trump leading his rival by 26 points in a poll released Thursday of Republican voters in South Carolina.

Sunday’s NBC News general election poll, conducted among 1,000 voters between January 26 and 30, has Biden at an all-time low in the history of this particular poll. The president currently has 60 disapproval and only 37 percent approval.

It also shows that Trump has a 5 percentage point lead over Biden in a hypothetical election battle.

In July and August, the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee will hold their respective conventions in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois. Those conventions will officially determine the overall matchup tickets for 2024, which will most likely be a rematch between Trump and Biden.

The results of the NBC News poll were released the day after Biden won the Democratic primary in South Carolina on Saturday.

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