MEGHAN MCCAIN: What insanity that children are locked out of school for not having a Covid jab


In 2022, it’s hard to shock me.

But here we are.

In our nation’s capital, where carjackings rage out of control and unvaccinated illegal immigrants are dropped off at bus stations just a short stroll from the Capitol Building, a child can’t get a public school education without a COVID vaccination.

That’s insane.

Now to be clear, I am not anti-vaccine.

My entire family and I were all vaccinated against Covid. I have received the normal schedule of vaccines since I was born, as has my two-year-old daughter Liberty. I am grateful for vaccines, which eliminate the need to worry about my child contracting polio and becoming paralyzed or any number of additional diseases.

I am grateful to the doctors and scientists whose work protects the public health. And I am especially grateful for Covid vaccines, which have done more than any other human intervention, to end the coronavirus pandemic.

I am, however, against political hypocrisy and illogical mandates and virtue signaling from feckless politicians who have no business being in office.

The city of Washington DC, from which I live mere minutes away from, stands alone in all of the United States for requiring COVID vaccinations for all children ages 12 and under in public and charter schools.

Even worse, if the students are not vaccinated against COVID by January 2023, they will not be given the opportunity for remote learning.

 The city of Washington DC, from which I live mere minutes away from, stands alone in all of the United States for requiring COVID vaccinations for all children ages 12 and under in public and charter schools.

(Above) People demonstrate against Covid-19 vaccine mandates for students in Huntington Beach, California on January 3, 2022

Did you get that?

If the children are not vaccinated against Covid they will be completely shut out of the education system their parents financed with their tax dollars.

Washington D.C. is the only state or state-like government in the country to mandate vaccines this year, according to the National Academy for State Health Policy’s August 2022 report.

In California (surprise, surprise) a vaccinate mandate is pending but even it has been delayed until July 2023 at the very earliest.

Moreover, twenty states have banned Covid vaccine mandates in schools. The United Kingdom has never had a Covid mandate in schools.

And listen to this, according to data from the city, 47% of black students between the ages of 12-15 and 42% between the ages of 16-17 aren’t vaccinated against COVID-19, raising serious concerns that this mandate will have a disproportionate effect on children of color.

If the shoe were on the other foot and a Republican city leader was instituting a policy that effectively signaled out black children the outrage would be deafening. But in uber-liberal Washington DC it’s somehow justified.

At the same time, the Biden administration has told all federal agencies to stop testing unvaccinated adult employees. Even public workers in DC don’t require vaccinations — this month a D.C. Superior Court judge said it was unlawful.

Bowser is choosing to target children (mostly minority children) while adults, who are at far greater risk of severe Covid infection and death, are allowed to do what they want.

How does this resemble anything close to common sense?

In our nation’s capital, where carjackings rage out of control and unvaccinated illegal immigrants are dropped off at bus stations just a short stroll from the Capitol Building, a child can’t get a public school education without a COVID vaccination

Bowser (above) is choosing to target children (mostly minority children) while adults, who are at far greater risk of severe Covid infection and death, are allowed to do what they want.

As usual with so many progressive politicians, the emphasis is on punishing our children and the most vulnerable in society, who cannot speak for themselves and lack the power that adults enjoy.

It is abhorrent and everyone should be furious.

Bowser needs a wakeup call and she needs one now. She should be held accountable on a nation level.

What exactly are the children supposed to do? Move to another state? Not everyone has the economic means to just pick up and move to Florida, Muriel.

But wait – it gets even worse.

While focusing child vaccination, she is also failing to address a crimewave spreading over the city.

The Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia has recorded 326 carjackings between Jan. 1 and Aug. 30 of this year. That represents a 27% increase compared to the same time period last year. 73% of those carjacking incidents involved guns.

Just days ago, Washington Commanders’ running back player Brian Robinson was hospitalized after being shot twice in the leg by two teens during an attempted carjacking in Northwest DC.

This spike in crime, by any rational person’s metric, should be at the top priority, not vaccinating children, which has not been shown to stop Covid infections or transmission.

Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia has recorded 326 total carjackings between Jan. 1 and Aug. 30 of this year. That represents a 27% increase compared to the same time period last year. 73% of those carjacking incidents involved guns.

Just days ago, Washington Commanders’ running back player Brian Robinson (above) was hospitalized after being shot twice in the leg by two teens during an attempted carjacking in Northwest DC.

Maybe that’s because it is easier to target the children of tax paying families instead of addressing, for instance, the flow of unvaccinated illegal immigrants into the city.

It is easier to institute insane and arbitrary Covid vaccine requirements on children rather than deal with the fact that a star football player cannot walk outside at night in Washington DC without being robbed and shot in twice in the leg.

Parents have a right to give their child an education and children have a right not to be treated differently, because they have not reached adulthood. Citizens in the United States and our nation’s capital have a right to law and order and to feel safe walking around with their families.

Why is it so difficult for progressive Democrats to prioritize real safety, instead of fetishizing the Covid threat?

For some reason, fighting rampant and rising crime is never met with the same vigor in blue cities. Is it somehow politically incorrect?

I have absolutely no idea, but I do know one way or another there will be a price to pay.

Pathetically, it seems that burden falls on our children – and they may be paying with their futures.

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