MEGHAN MCCAIN: Mr President, you’re not fit to finish a first term, let alone a second

As President Joe Biden continues to shuffle aimlessly around a 2024 run, it’s time Democrats publicly admit the obvious: He’s not fit to finish his first term, much less run a second term. to sit.

The 80-year-old commander-in-chief told NBC News’ Al Roker at the White House’s annual Easter Egg Roll on Monday, “I intend to run, Al, but we’re not ready to announce it just yet.”

Come on, Joe.

If you had that much faith, you would have jumped in by now. The delay is annoying. And this doubt—unprecedented in modern American political history—belies reality.

Let’s just say what people on both sides of the aisle are whispering in political circles. He’s too old.

If Biden wins in 2024, he would be 86 at the end of his second term. Let that sink in for a moment. 86 years old.

He’s already the oldest person to ever enter the Oval Office at age 78 – and now he’s about to double?

This week’s Easter event was a reminder of last year’s debacle. Remember when a White House staffer in an Easter bunny costume shooed the president away from the media as they shouted questions. It was a testament to the fear that grips his staff every time he opens his mouth.

Here are some recent examples of his blatant blunders:

In early February, Biden boasted in a speech that “more than half of the women in my administration are women.”

As President Joe Biden continues to shuffle aimlessly around a 2024 run, it’s time Democrats publicly admit the obvious: He’s not fit to finish his first term, much less run a second term. to sit.

He accidentally shared details about former President Jimmy Carter’s failing health by revealing that he was “asked to deliver his eulogy” before realizing “I shouldn’t have said that.”

While touring tornado damage, he named the town of Rolling Fork, Mississippi “Rolling Stone.”

Yes, you could dismiss these as flubs. But we know they are not. It’s a pattern that has only grown stronger over the past two years.

Shall we revisit the greatest hits?

He said a “minor” Russian incursion into Ukraine may not provoke a US response; he searched for a dead US congresswoman at a White House event; he botched the formulation of US policy in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

These are not small mistakes.

Biden’s also had an increasing number of physical missteps. He tripped and fell in Poland on February 22 while climbing the stairs to Air Force One and did it again almost two weeks later on a trip to Alabama. And how can we forget the dangerous spill he took from a bicycle in Rehoboth, Delaware.

I’m not trying to be cruel. I am honest with this mass delusion.

Many Democrats admit to me in private what they are reluctant to admit in public. They are terrified of the prospects for America under a second Biden term.

They recognize that a president who cannot be trusted to represent the country at regular press conferences is an unacceptable vulnerability for the country. It is no surprise that compared to his predecessors, Biden has given the media sadly few opportunities to question him.

But don’t take it from me.

An Economist-YouGov poll from April found that only 48 percent of Democrats want Biden to run again. A majority – 52 percent – ​​are against it or are unsure.

A Yahoo poll from February cut even closer to the bone. Forty-eight percent of Democrats said Biden is “too old for another term.”

This week’s Easter event was a reminder of last year’s debacle. Remember when a White House staffer in an Easter bunny costume shooed the president away from the media as they shouted questions.

None of this is lost on the elite Democratic establishment, but frankly, what else are they going to do?

There is no formidable party challenger to take on Biden because every major player has doubled down on progressivism and wakeism.

Governor Gavin Newsom is a utopia. His state is an example of what a failed progressive dystopia looks like when citizens flee California like rats from a sinking ship.

Mayor Pete has screwed up crisis after crisis as Secretary of Transportation. He recently postponed his visit to East Palestine, Ohio, for nearly three weeks after a toxic train derailment.

And then there’s Vice President Kamala Harris. How a woman who ticks every box for identity politics can be so hated by the Democrats is a mystery. Be there she is – cackling and obsessed with Venn diagrams.

All that’s left for Biden’s party is to trick America into thinking his age shouldn’t be a factor.

86 is the new 46. Didn’t you know?

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has repeatedly dismissed concerns about Biden’s age and stamina, saying “this is not a question we should even ask ourselves.” She even went so far as to say she “can barely keep up with him.” Yes. Right.

The criticism I will receive for expressing this opinion will also not escape me. My own father ran for a Senate seat at age 78. He later died of glioblastoma brain cancer a few days before his 80th birthday.

I loved him with all my heart and miss him every day. But I also regret not pushing harder to retire rather than run for re-election. He fell ill while in office and he did not have the chance to spend the last years of his life with his friends and family.

So a word of advice, Mr. President. My father should have been more realistic about his advanced age. Maybe you should too?

It’s a harsh reality for me to reconcile, but if I had a time machine I’d go back and lobby my dad to pass the baton and come home to a family that loved him.

It’s a harsh reality for me to reconcile, but if I had a time machine I’d go back and lobby my dad to pass the baton and come home to a family that loved him.

Nikki Haley is right. There should be competency tests for politicians of a certain age. I also believe it is time for term limits. Some of these boomers are too selfish to ever leave office. They prefer to refuse in front of us.

Look at Senator Diane Feinstein. At age 89, she has missed 58 Senate votes since falling ill at the end of February and that now affects the votes for judicial candidates.

A leading Democratic strategist was recently quoted as saying, “God bless her, but the most pathetic part of politics is when someone doesn’t know when it’s time to leave.”

In the end, why does Biden keep saying he “intends” to run? Well, because he also intends not to run.

So Joe – if you have any sense left – get out while the getting is good.

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