Despite all the ‘wins’ that President Biden has apparently accumulated in the last few weeks, there is still one uncomfortable elephant in the room that neither he, his administration nor his media cheerleaders can shake.
A significant number of Americans don’t think he’s up for the job.
The latest proof is a new poll showing a 59% majority are ‘very’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ about Biden’s mental health.
This is bad.
Mostly – it’s very bad for President Biden and his administration.
It’s likely the final nail in the coffin (no pun intended) for the Biden presidency.
His miserable approval rating may go up and down, but you can’t give him a magic elixir to make him a younger man.
This one is baked in.
39% of Democrats say they are worried about Biden’s mental condition, versus 82% of Republicans and 56% of independents.
And we’re only about halfway through his term.
While 39% of Democrats is not a majority it is still significantly high enough that it rules out any reasonable shot at his re-election.
While surveying the aftermath of devastating storms that tore through Kentucky, he stepped off Marine One (above) and struggled for a good 30 seconds to put on his jacket – even with the help of Dr. Jill.
39% of Democrats say they are worried about Biden’s mental condition, versus 82% of Republicans and 56% of independents
If Biden were sent back to the White House in 2024, he would be pushing 90 years old when he finally left the Oval Office for the last time.
I can remember a time when CNN pundits, like Chris Cillizza, were reduced to nothing short of hysteria, because my dad was 72 years old when he ran for president in 2008.
Feel free to look it up — absolute, abject, hysteria.
Now it is considered uncouth to speak of someone above the average American life expectancy showing any signs of the aging process.
But it is obvious to anyone not blinded by partisanship.
Here’s just a few of the lowlights:
Fresh out of quarantine for COVID, Biden shook hands with Senator Chuck Schumer at an event outside the White House – only to seemingly forget that he shook hands with Chuck Schumer.
He stuck his hand out again – with a confused look on his face – and Schumer turned away.
That could happen to any of us, right?
Well, it keeps happening to Biden.
He did it in April after delivering a speech in North Carolina.
Biden wraps up his speech, turns right, bizarrely sticks out his hand, stares into space, wanders around and exits stage right.
He appeared to do it again during his trip to Israel.
While surveying the aftermath of devastating storms that tore through Kentucky, he stepped off Marine One and struggled for a good 30 seconds to put on his jacket – even with the help of Dr. Jill.
Then proceeds to drop his sunglasses.
Of course, we all remember the sad and embarrassing moment, he rode his bicycle up to reporters, during a Delaware beach vacation – only to slip and fall.
A new poll showing a 59% majority are ‘very’ or ‘somewhat concerned’ about Biden’s mental health.
Biden’s gaffes have impacted foreign policy — he welcomed Putin to make a ‘minor incursion’ into Ukraine.
We all remember the sad and embarrassing moment, he rode his bicycle up to reporters (above), during a Delaware beach vacation – only to slip and fall.
This is typical old man behavior. Nothing wrong with that. But this is our president.
And beyond the physical missteps – there are mental lapses.
He frequently struggles to remember the names of people he’s referring to, he repeats himself, and he’ll often tell stories that seem divorced from reality — perhaps the most jarring in recent months being his recounting of an entire alternate timeline where he was appointed to the Naval Academy by a senator whom he would ultimately replace.
It’s something that never happened.
Biden has long indulged in such flights of fancy, but he seems to have no control of it now.
It’s one thing if this happens in the old folks’ home. But they cannot be forgiven when they come from the president.
Biden’s gaffes have impacted foreign policy — he welcomed Putin to make a ‘minor incursion’ into Ukraine.
He claimed he’d avoid handshakes on his Middle East trip over Covid, then quickly forgot.
He waffled on Taiwan policy, and ended up looking dangerously weak when Pelosi went over the White House’s head to visit and stand up to China.
It is not just Biden’s critics that seized on these moments – the White House is painfully aware of them as well.
How many times have we seen Biden’s wife or daughter or the Easter Bunny shush the president and lead him away from reporters peppering him with questions.
Where does this ultimately lead us as a country?
Only time will tell, but the damage that is being done to us as a nation will be longstanding.
If we have a president that looks weak America looks weak and projects weakness.
If we have a President that appears old and out of touch, it gives the impression to our enemies that we also as Americans are on the decline – that our glory days are behind us.
If it looks like the mainstream media is covering or spinning Biden’s gaffes and glaring examples of old age, the world sees that our media is corrupted by extreme political bias.
To be honest, all of these issues existed before Biden was elected, but since he conducted his campaign from his basement, shielded from the American people and the press, we never really knew.
How many times have we seen Biden’s wife or daughter or the Easter Bunny (above) shush the president and lead him away from reporters peppering him with questions.
There was a feeling that he was being smart with not only his but the American public’s health. New we see that was a mistake.
Where this goes, only time will tell, but it’s likely to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
If we want to avoid these problems in the future, we need to seriously consider age limits on all forms of elected office, starting with the U.S. presidency.
Democrat or Republican, we cannot have a commander-in-chief who is incapable of fulfilling the heavy obligations of the office.
Being president takes years off your life. And the most elderly among us only have so many years they can give.
In the modern age, when every flub can move markets and weary mistakes can lead to conflicts, we can’t afford to have someone in the presidency without the mental and physical capacity to do the hardest job in American politics.