MEGHAN MCCAIN: I’m scared to death this Trump Witch Hunt will end with America burning at the stake

Pandora’s box is open. Prepare for what comes next.

Pathetic, partisan Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg announced last night that a New York City grand jury has indicted former President Donald J. Trump.

The indictment is sealed, but all signs point to Bragg reheating old allegations from the 2016 presidential campaign that Trump paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to buy her silence about an extramarital affair.

It is widely believed that Bragg’s case is based on a bizarre combination of legal charges that make a perfectly legal payment a state offense. It’s a case federal prosecutors wouldn’t touch. One that Bragg himself rejected last year. So what happened between then and now?

Hmm…could it be that Trump decided to run for president?

Everybody knows what this is. It’s a Democrat-concocted impeachment of their bogeyman.

And they don’t even hide it anymore.

In a hysterical self-deprecation, which I would laugh at if I weren’t scared to death, Politico published an article on Thursday with the headline: “Trump appears to be the victim of a witch hunt.” So what?’

‘So what?’ I’m sorry. I always thought witch hunts were bad. But what the hell: she collects the firewood and grabs the matches, because we are making a bonfire.

The problem is that America is tied to the stake.

Pathetic, partisan Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg announced last night that a New York City grand jury has indicted former President Donald J. Trump.

I’m not a legal expert, so I’ll let them analyze the case. But I’m a political analyst and let me tell you, regardless of the outcome of an unprecedented and flimsy criminal prosecution of a former president and current candidate, we all lose.

I woke up this morning with my mind racing. What does this mean for our country? I guess that’s what millions of Americans are wondering.

In a nation so tense, so divided, and facing so many uncertainties, this obviously one-sided accusation overturns an already crowded table.

The specter of political violence hangs over almost every tense issue facing the nation today. What impact will this have on die-hard Trump supporters? What will they think of an American legal system that has become a mockery?

Imagine a Republican candidate running for president behind bars, under house arrest, or with an ankle brace.

There is already a massive and growing national feeling of distrust of our institutions and politicians. But instead of pausing and speaking for sanity, the inconsiderate and gutless Democrats and liberal media are happily wallowing in this barnyard crap.

Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters, who once encouraged a crowd to harass Trump officials on the street, was downright gleeful. ‘So Trump was finally impeached!’ she tweeted: ‘I predicted he would and I predicted Stormy Daniels would get him! Sometimes justice works!

Good for you Maxine! You saw this charade coming from a mile away.

Turn on MSNBC and they’re grinning from ear to ear and sipping champagne. But they also celebrated the bogus, bogus, destructive and misleading Russia investigation, and how did that turn out?

I can only imagine the fetid wave of derogatory and humiliating comments that will be spewed out by the American public in the days, weeks and months ahead. But of course the actual damage is much, much worse.

Imagine a Republican candidate running for president behind bars, under house arrest, or with an ankle brace.

I am a political analyst and let me tell you that regardless of the outcome of an unprecedented and flimsy criminal prosecution of a former president and current candidate, we all lose.

Make no mistake: the horses have run the barn. This accusation will trigger a cascade of negative consequences, a vicious cycle of partisan retaliation.

Biased political opportunists don’t just exist on the left. Right-wing prosecutors around the world are now motivated to harass and prosecute their political opponents. Any perceived infractions will be pursued to the ends of the earth. More frivolous cases will be presented. Bloodthirsty cultists seeking revenge will demand more impeachment trials and ethics investigations.

The country is at risk of falling apart in petty disputes. And it’s like we don’t have anything better to worry about.

There is an existential threat to the country from China. An out of control drug overdose crisis. Our schools are failing and our children have suffered a generational learning loss that can cripple untold thousands for the rest of their lives.

There is a culture war pitting transgender extremists against terrified parents. The US debt is unsustainable. Social Security is on the verge of insolvency.

And oh yeah, there’s a war in Europe involving a homicidal, nuclear-armed monster in Vladimir Putin.

But by all means, go after Don for paying off Stormy.

This is how societies die. When the United States falls apart in a petty tribal war, it begins the downward spiral to collapse.

If a Democrat really wants to lead this country, they need to step up and say this is wrong, that a cowardly district attorney shouldn’t stick his thumb in the balance and meddle in an election. This is cheating, pure and simple.

Unfortunately, we know that Biden will not speak. On Friday, “no comment” was his only response to questions about the prosecution. His administration’s public messaging strategy has long been a demonization.

The country is at risk of falling apart in petty disputes. And it’s like we don’t have anything better to worry about.

Remember his embarrassing and creepily demonic speech in Philadelphia during the 2022 midterms about the ‘battle for the soul of the nation’.

“As your president, I will fight for democracy with every fiber of my being and I ask all Americans to join me,” he said, while attacking the “semi-fascism” of the “extreme MAGA philosophy.”

He is not better than Trump. His administration, far from curing the nation, has been washed away by the sewage flowing down the river.

Now the only way forward is to fight this gathering storm. Get ready for what’s to come, America. You will be enraged. You will be the target of unfair attacks and unpleasant judgments.

In heavily Democratic Manhattan, Trump may be convicted on baseless charges. And the Republican primaries may be reduced to a disaster.

It won’t be easy, and I don’t know how long it will last, but only the American people can be saved. We cannot trust our corrupt and cynical political leaders.

Each citizen must make the decision. Will you participate in the decline of our nation or will you shout STOP!

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