MEGHAN MCCAIN: Gwyneth Paltrow sells pseudoscience and starvation diets

Gwyneth Paltrow is an Academy Award-winning actress turned health guru who has never been to medical school or had any medical training.

However, she is the face and founder of the so-called billionaire lifestyle and wellness brand, Goop.

Let’s be clear: if what she sells is wellness, then I don’t want any of that.

Gwyneth sat down with Dr. Will Cole for a recent episode of his ‘The Art of Being Well’ podcast. It’s not the kind of podcast I’d normally listen to, but I’m not the type to go to yoga retreats or sound baths.

So imagine my surprise when I learned that Dr. Cole is not a doctor in the traditional sense, having never been to medical school. Actually, he is just as much a doctor as Dr. Jill Biden.

Dr. Cole received his doctorate from the Southern California University of Health Sciences. His programs include chiropractic, acupuncture, and traditional Chinese medicine. Oh God!

To his credit, Dr. Cole clearly states on his website, “I do not practice medicine and I do not diagnose or treat diseases or medical conditions.”

It is an important disclaimer. And it’s one small explanation for why someone, calling himself a doctor, would sit back and nod while Paltrow talked about her utterly absurd and disturbing personal “wellness” routine.

Bear with me here because his ‘routine’ reads more like a cult schedule of daily activities. In fact, she even joked that she’s a “complete disciple of Dr. Will Cole.” Ok, now she’s getting really creepy.

Let’s be clear: if what she sells is wellness, then I don’t want any of that.

So here we go… a day in the life of Gwyneth Paltrow:

– You wake up, meditate, and eat something that won’t ‘spike’ your blood sugar, such as coffee, celery juice, and lemon water.

– Then Gwyneth does an hour of ‘movement,’ whether it’s a walk, palates, or Tracy Anderson’s notoriously rigorous exercise.

– This is followed by dry brushing. (I had exactly no idea what this was, as the only thing I’ve ever dry brushed is a horse, but apparently, it’s for skin exfoliation)

– Then comes a 30-minute infrared sauna session.

– His first meal of the day is at noon, and it is green soup or bone broth ‘many days’.

– Dinner early with ‘lots of veggies’, fish or ‘birds’ to suit your ‘paleo’ diet. (She will sneak in a sweet potato or cassava.)

– Paltrow ends her day with a ‘good intermittent fast’, which means she doesn’t eat again until noon the next day.

This sounds awful.

I know this is nothing new for Paltrow. We’ve heard his fancy and elitist comment about the food before.

He once lamented that he “broke down and ate bread” during the COVID pandemic as many Americans struggled to buy food. And he claimed that he would rather ‘smoke crack’ than eat canned cheese. Interestingly, she admitted to smoking cigarettes and doing cocaine in the past, so she makes sense of that.

But for someone as rich and famous as Gwyneth Paltrow, life seems like hell. Nothing in her day sounds nutritious or satisfying. The laser focus on ‘wellness’ seems obsessive and, frankly, ill-disposed.

“My body is not a natural detoxifier,” he tells Cole.

I don’t know what he might be detoxing from. Bone broth?

“I’m still dealing with some mold, though it’s probably pretty good by now,” he mused to Cole. “It’s in the past,” he reassures her.

I thought the kidneys were for detoxification, but what do I know.

Here’s What Paltrow Does: Get Ready: Rectal Ozone Therapy.

‘It’s pretty weird. But it has been very helpful,” she says.

Gwyneth does an hour of ‘movement,’ whether it’s a hike, palates, or Tracy Anderson’s notoriously rigorous workout (above right).

This is followed by dry brushing. (I had no idea exactly what this was, as the only thing I’ve ever dry brushed is a horse, but apparently, it’s for skin exfoliation.) Then comes a 30-minute infrared sauna session.

If that.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, ‘rectal ozone therapy’ is unregulated and can do more harm than good. In 2019, the FDA issued a warning against the practice, as there is no evidence that it provides any benefit.

And oh yeah, Paltrow does the entire interview hooked up to an IV drip and waxes poetic about the different types of IV bags she prefers.

We are informed that he is taking a ‘bag of good old fashioned vitamins’. Do you know what else is a good source of vitamins? Food.

Hey, let yourself go, Gwyneth. You do. If you want to eat one real meal a day and blow things up, be my guest.

But the problem is that Paltrow isn’t just living her best life, she’s broadcasting it to the world and selling it on her website.

This is not the first time; Paltrow has been linked to disturbing health claims.

Goop sold quartz eggs to maintain vaginal health, for which the company agreed to pay $145,000 in civil penalties when the claims were found to be “unfounded.” Other products included ‘power sticker’ spray to protect users from harm. I mean, this is really crazy.

Paltrow may not be a natural detoxifier, but she’s also no “wellness” expert. She is a businesswoman who sells pseudoscience and starvation diets to American women. Her scam is shrouded in the veil of “welfare,” but it’s about time she got called out for selling snake oil.

This interview raised a lot of eyebrows, because there is a growing awareness of eating disorders in American culture. Paltrow is being justifiably criticized by commentators, doctors, and nutritionists for promoting a lifestyle that doesn’t provide enough calories to support a healthy diet.

And oh yeah, Paltrow does the entire interview hooked up to an IV drip and waxes poetic about the different types of IV bags she prefers.

She’s become something of an icon for “almond moms,” a slang term for wealthy middle-aged women, who don’t eat real meals and instead snack all day with almonds and healthy bars.

You know the type, we all do.

Even more awkward, if you look at the video of this, Gwyneth looks… bad, tired, haggard, and much older than her 50s.

I rarely talk about other women’s appearance, but since she’s putting herself out there, let’s talk about it. The women I admire on ‘wellness’ are not hooked up to an IV bag.

No wonder the Ozempic fashion is sweeping across the country and ‘heroic chic’ slim is back on the fashion runways. This ‘well-being’ trend is making us sick. And Gwyneth Paltrow is part of the problem.

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