MEGHAN MCCAIN: Blond-bouffant egomaniac Trump is running scared from tomorrow’s TV debate. So ask yourself: Do we really want a coward leading the greatest country on Earth?

Call it cowardice. Call it pride. Call it cynicism.

But whatever you do, shout it out.

The stage is set for the first Republican primary debate and the frontrunner for the nomination won’t even be there.

It’s a pathetic cop, but no shock.

Donald Trump’s political approach is simple: involve no one seriously, mock and insult, expect victory and, if you lose, insist that you have been robbed.

“Why should I allow people from one percent, two percent, and zero percent to bombard me with questions all night?” Trump asked Fox News host Bret Baier, who will moderate Wednesday night.

After all, Trump leads Ron DeSantis, his closest competitor, by 40 percentage points, according to the latest Real Clear Politics average of national polls.

Why would he risk his lead?

Because, Don, this isn’t just about you!

The primaries are a competition, not a coronation. You don’t owe the nomination let alone the presidency.

You should have learned that lesson in 2020 when you lost to President Biden by millions and millions of votes, or in the 2022 midterm elections when nearly every Trump-backed Senate candidate lost and wasted Republican control of Congress.

The stage is set for the first Republican primary debate and the frontrunner for the nomination won’t even be there. It’s a pathetic cop, but no shock.

After all, Trump leads Ron DeSantis, his closest competitor, by 40 percentage points, according to the latest Real Clear Politics average of national polls.

What exactly is the point of a Republican primary debate if Trump skips it?

Besides, what’s the point of the Republican National Committee, which organizes these debates, if it can’t force the leading candidate to carve out a few hours to participate?

This is the same organization that requires candidates to sign a pledge to support the eventual Republican Party nominee.

Who cares about the foolish promise?

If the RNC’s goal is to unify the Republican party, shouldn’t they at least require every candidate to run? Or does the RNC have so little respect for voters that they would allow the primary to be reduced to a cock-slinging contest? Nothing more than an afterthought?

A presidential candidate has to be more than a stringy blond bouffant and an ego.

The debates are the best format to showcase candidates’ competence, health and ability to win.

Trump is 77 years old and not immune to the trouble the sleepy, stupid Joe is causing.

Is Trump still up for this job? Frankly, we don’t know.

For example, I would like to see him in action if he has to face Biden again.

Remember, even the mouthy Joe absolutely beat Trump in their first presidential debate in 2020.

And if Biden pulls out of the 2024 race, which I think is about 50/50 right now, how would Trump fare against the slick and smart Gavin Newsom of California?

Not good, I think.

Governor Chris Christie says Trump “lacks the guts to show up.” He is right. A debate exposes weakness.

Remember former Texas Governor Rick Perry’s infamous “oops” moment in 2011 when he ignored the specific government agencies he was going to eliminate.

In 2019, Kamala Harris was sued by Tulsi Gabbard over her criminal justice reform record. Harris could not come up with a coherent answer and dropped out of the race two months before the Iowa Caucuses.

The presidential debates are also the most important opportunity for the American people to engage in politics.

Recall the infamous “oops” moment of former Texas governor Rick Perry (above left) in 2011 when he ignored the specific government agencies he was going to eliminate.

Remember, even the mouthy Joe absolutely beat Trump in their first presidential debate in 2020.

If Trump really believes that communist China poses a threat to America’s future, now is the time to get the public behind the case. Do you want to explain to Americans why free market capitalism is superior to the creeping socialism that is infecting society?

The stage is yours, Donald. But he doesn’t show up.

Moreover, Trump is not only content skipping the debate, he intends to undermine it.

The king of counterprogramming will appear on Wednesday in a pre-recorded interview with ex-Fox Newser Tucker Carlson on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

Trump also called on other networks during the debate and posted live on Truth Social to draw viewers away from their TV screens.

As the ultimate diversion, he plans to turn himself in to Georgian authorities on Thursday morning to be charged with extortion in connection with his stolen election fraud.

That will certainly stifle coverage of the debate and prevent the American people from learning anything useful about their candidates or the country.

It’s the equivalent of a whiny loser in the playground grabbing his ball and going home.

If there’s any bright spot in this, it’s that this could all blow up in Trump’s face.

A new CBS News poll shows that 73 percent of Republican Party primary voters believe he should participate in the debate. That means even his own supporters think he should show up.

And Trump has screwed up before.

Governor Chris Christie (above) says Trump “lacks the guts to show up.” He is right. A debate exposes weakness.

Trump is 77 years old and not immune to the trouble the sleepy, stupid Joe is causing.

In 2016, Trump, angry at real questions from real journalists, decided to skip the final Republican Party primary debate before the Iowa caucuses. He subsequently lost to Senator Ted Cruz.

This debate would also be a chance for him to oust Governor DeSantis for good. An impressive showing on Wednesday night could give Ron the boost his campaign needs.

Perhaps Trump’s biggest miscalculation is that by skipping the debate, he is helping the Democrats and Joe Biden.

Biden, who infamously campaigned from his basement in 2020, may well decide to do the same in 2024. What if he refuses to debate publicly because of a perceived lead in the polls?

Ultimately, the American people will suffer. We will miss the opportunity to forge national consensus, listen to our political opponents and appreciate the miracle of self-government.

Depressingly, 77 percent of Americans now expect the country to be even more politically divided by 2050.

No big surprise.

Yes, Trump is playing a dangerous game with the country’s future. This is yet another blow to the institutions that hold us together and a wedge that drives us apart.

Now it’s up to the people to decide: do we really want a coward leading the greatest country in the history of the world?

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