MEGHAN MCCAIN: Biden’s unhinged assault on MAGA Republicans throws gas on fire raging in our country


The political equivalent of a kamikaze mission just months before the midterms. An angry, unhinged 24-minute primetime screed that corrodes the reputation of the White House. The final nail in the coffin of American unity.

Biden’s speech to the nation at Philadelphia’s Independence Hall was all of these things.

And it was horrifying.

I am no Trump supporter. I am no MAGA person. But I have met and know many, many people who are, my friends among them.

They are some of the 74 million Americans who Biden failed to win over at the last election. Then, he billed himself as the statesman who promised to work for them too, and to heal the emotional wounds brought on by the chaos of the Trump years.

Instead he is stereotyping Republicans as insurrectionist threats to democracy.

And that is as wrong and dangerous as what President Trump did while in office. It is divisive and it’s throwing gasoline on a fire already raging fire in our country.

How long ago it seems that Biden vowed to heal ‘the soul of the nation’ as he did when he campaigned in 2020 to be the uniter-in-chief!

Now the perception of the friendly, kind ‘Uncle Joe’ that got Biden so far in his political career has been shattered. In its place is an abjectly more aggressive and divisive man.

How long ago it seems that Biden vowed to heal 'the soul of the nation' as he did when he campaigned in 2020 to be the uniter-in-chief!

How long ago it seems that Biden vowed to heal ‘the soul of the nation’ as he did when he campaigned in 2020 to be the uniter-in-chief!

What we got is Biden’s own version of the infamous Hillary Clinton smear of Trump voters as a ‘basket of deplorables,’ clearly demonstrating that he too believes that there is a large segment of Americans that are irredeemable, dangerous trash.

Last night he threw the gauntlet down hard.

His warning to the American people was very loud and very clear: Anyone who believes any differently than today’s Democrats is a threat to democracy and unwelcome in Biden’s America.

He and his cynical campaign strategists behind the curtain in the White House are doing everything they can to pull Donald Trump back onto the national stage so they can point at him in horror and scream, ‘It’s us or HIM!’

But in the process, Biden is turning Americans against one another – and it’s nightmarish.

And it wasn’t just his toxic words. Look at the bizarre and apocalyptic optics of the speech. He stood at his podium in front of murky red lighting: this was the backdrop of a dictator from a science fiction movie, not the democratically elected President of America.

Whomever oversaw set design in the White House clearly wanted him to look ominous and intimidating, like a character from ‘V for Vendetta’ or the Twilight Zone.

And why was he looming before two Marines standing at attention and a Marine Band behind him?

Anyone who knows anything about the military understands first and foremost they serve the country, NOT an administration. Using our military as a political prop is a legacy that President Trump started, and Biden is obviously happy to continue it.

More than anything that speech was a blood red exclamation point marking the dark messaging shift that he has taken since becoming president.

The line that hit the hardest was: ‘There’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country.’

He quoted conservative jurist J. Michael Luttig with the line: ‘Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans are a clear and present danger to our democracy.’

The reasons people voted for Trump are not as complicated or conspiratorial as the media and the Biden administration want to make it out to be. The vast majority of Trump's 74 million supporters are good people whom Biden and the Democratic party failed to win over. And their failing is on them.

The reasons people voted for Trump are not as complicated or conspiratorial as the media and the Biden administration want to make it out to be. The vast majority of Trump's 74 million supporters are good people whom Biden and the Democratic party failed to win over. And their failing is on them.

The reasons people voted for Trump are not as complicated or conspiratorial as the media and the Biden administration want to make it out to be. The vast majority of Trump’s 74 million supporters are good people whom Biden and the Democratic party failed to win over. And their failing is on them.

And he topped it all off by stating ‘MAGA Republicans are destroying American democracy.’

The stereotype of ordinary Republicans as the Capitol riot insurrectionists with the Viking helmet is just that, a stereotype.

Most people I know who voted for Trump did so because they thought he was better for the economy, that he would defend the right to life, and because after years of Covid trauma they were not comfortable giving their vote to a party that supported school boards who wouldn’t listen to parents and kept children out of school resulting in direct harm to their mental health and education.

It came down to simple meat and potatoes politics. Who was better for their pocketbooks and quality of life?

The wokeness gone amuck from Democrats also played a large factor with many Trump voters.

The reasons people voted for Trump are not as complicated or conspiratorial as the media and the Biden administration want to make it out to be. The vast majority of Trump’s 74 million supporters are good people whom Biden and the Democratic party failed to win over. And their failing is on them.

One way or another we are all going to have to figure out a way to move forward and heal the wounds of recent history. But instead of erasing Trump’s divisiveness, President Biden is provoking more.

Does he not care about winning over these Trump voters? Does he not consider half the country’s citizens worthy of representation?

What we got is Biden's own version of the infamous Hillary Clinton smear of Trump voters as a 'basket of deplorables,' clearly demonstrating that he too believes that there is a large segment of Americans that are irredeemable, dangerous trash.

What we got is Biden's own version of the infamous Hillary Clinton smear of Trump voters as a 'basket of deplorables,' clearly demonstrating that he too believes that there is a large segment of Americans that are irredeemable, dangerous trash.

What we got is Biden’s own version of the infamous Hillary Clinton smear of Trump voters as a ‘basket of deplorables,’ clearly demonstrating that he too believes that there is a large segment of Americans that are irredeemable, dangerous trash.

Everything about his rhetoric last night was upsetting and confusing. Most importantly, it was not inspirational or uniting. Everything he once promised to be.

Will we ever actually elect a leader to the White House who wants the American public to unite for the common good or will that always be a lie?

The 2024 election is coming up fast and there is one thing I am sure of. President Biden and the Democrats are ushering in another Biden vs. Trump election.

All Biden is doing is adding to our tribal warfare and making any Republican or Trump supporter who watched last night hate the left even more and feel even more isolated and reviled by the Democratic party.

It seems both Biden just can’t quit Trump and they will all soon see they are making him and the base of the Republican party stronger and more capable of beating Democrats in 2024.

Something that I know seems unfathomable to many in the media, but I assure you is true, is that all Biden did last night was make Trump stronger and America more divided.

And it could mark out what may yet be his most striking achievement, his legacy, his gift to the nation: namely, one of the most infamous failures of a one-term presidents.