MEGHAN MCCAIN: 70% of Americans DON’T want Grandpa Joe to run in 2024

Joe vs. Donald: It’s the rematch no one wants.

On Tuesday, Biden is expected to announce that — despite suggesting in 2019 that he would be president once — he is throwing his fliers back into the ring for 2024.

And in one of the most comedic buzzkills in political history, a new poll shows that a vast majority of Americans think that’s an absolutely terrible idea.

70% of Americans, including 51% of Democrats, do not want him to run, according to a NBC News poll.

Wait, it gets worse, hysterically worse.

53% of those who voted for Biden less than three years ago in 2020 believe he should not run. And 76% of voters under 35 think it’s time for Joe to retire.

Why? Well, it’s not a big surprise.

“It’s all about his age and his ability to do the job,” said Meet The Press host Chuck Todd, who was baffled by the poll’s results.

So, how does the Democratic Party justify supporting Grandpa for another four years, when the mere thought of another Biden-Harris ticket has voters gagging?

The answer is cynicism. Pure unadulterated cynicism.

Democrats know that Americans are equally disgusted at the thought of pulling the lever on Donald Trump. And in a contest between two terrible choices, they believe Joe has the advantage.

Biden’s only saving grace is that he is slightly less unpopular than Trump.

On Tuesday, Biden is expected to announce that — despite suggesting in 2019 that he would be president once — he is throwing his fliers back into the ring for 2024.

In one of the most comedic buzzkills in political history, a new poll shows that a vast majority of Americans think it’s an absolutely terrible idea that Biden is running in 2024.

48% of voters have a negative view of the president. 53% say the same about the big angry orange man. And the same poll shows that 60% of Americans also do not want Trump to become president in 2024.

You would think those numbers would force the parties back to the drawing board, but no. Apparently we get that.

Trump may be pulling away from his closest potential GOP primary opponent, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and DeSantis is looking seriously wobbly.

While on an overseas trip to Japan, DeSantis was confronted by a reporter about his disappointing performance in a possible match against The Donald.

“I’m not a candidate, so we’ll see if and when that changes,” he snapped, shaking like a bobble-head at speed.

And any hope of a rebellious Democratic candidate also looks like a utopia.

When RFK Jr., an anti-vaxxer with self-proclaimed “lust demons,” and Marianne Williamson, an accused anger-addicted, self-help guru, are the great liberal hope, then there isn’t much hope at all.

Is this really the best we can do, America?

When it comes to these two men, it doesn’t matter who wins, we lose. We end up with a president who has already been rejected by a majority of the country. And it gets much, much more depressing than even that.

In January, 71% of all Americans said they believed the country is on the wrong track in another NBC survey.

Honestly, I don’t know what the other 29% think. We’re on the wrong planet.

There is a visceral, growing distrust among citizens. Trust in institutions is declining and hatred of the media is dormant.

Aside from Biden’s obvious mental decline and Trump’s obvious moral failings, both men are emblematic of this caustic malaise — this partisan fistfight that has been raging for years.

Trump cannot be separated from the infamy of the January 6 riots.

Biden is under serious suspicion of corruption involving his family and there is pretty clear evidence that his campaign interfered with press coverage of his precious son Hunter’s laptop from hell.

Trump may be pulling away from his closest potential GOP primary opponent, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and DeSantis is looking seriously wobbly.

Democrats know that Americans are equally disgusted at the thought of pulling the lever on Donald Trump. And in a contest between two terrible choices, they believe Joe has the advantage.

Last week, the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees released transcripts of interviews with former Obama deputy CIA director Mike Morell. He organized that infamous statement by 51 former intelligence officials, who propagated the lie that Russia was behind Hunter’s filthy hard drive.

The letter claimed that the disclosure of Hunter’s digital dirty laundry on the eve of an election had “all the classic hallmarks of a Russian intelligence operation.”

Joe Biden then used the letter as support to silence Trump during a 2020 debate.

“Look, there are 50 former national intelligence people who said he’s accusing me of a Russian scheme. They’ve said this has all the hallmarks — four, five former heads of the CIA, both sides, say what he’s saying is a bunch of bullshit,” Biden claimed.

Of course the laptop is real. That letter was crap.

But why would seasoned intelligence officers make such a blatant mistake at such a critical time?

As it turns out, Morell, by his own admission, was contacted by Biden’s then campaign adviser, now Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who “initiated the events leading up to the issuance of the public statement.”

Morell also made it very clear that he organized the note to “help Vice President Biden” win the election.

It all smells like heaven. But I doubt it will ever be fully resolved.

The Russia, Russia, Russia mania has been a dark point in American history and all players have been infected, especially the intelligence community, who came to the aid of their preferred candidate. Even if the mainstream media shrugs and says, “who cares?” — we care because we suffer.

Morell (above) also made it very clear that he organized the note to “help Vice President Biden” win the election.

America is stuck on repeat. It’s Groundhog Day. We are destined to relive the worst modern election cycle over and over again. It’s a political episode of The Twilight Zone.

Oh God, will it ever end?

I hope so, but first we will probably have to suffer the humiliation of these two very tired campaigns.

Biden is going to pledge to “restore the soul of the nation – again.”

Trump is going to pledge to “make America great again — again.”

We all deserve better, but that won’t happen until we pull ourselves out of this rut ​​and demand new leadership, free of the baggage of the past.

The octogenarian class has been in power for too long.

Barring major surprises tomorrow, the ship has sailed for the Democrats. But Republicans still have a chance to shed some new blood on the ballot.

I hope they do – I can’t watch another replay.

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