Meghan Markle’s father Thomas says he wants to reconcile with his daughter and ‘longs to meet his grandchildren before he dies’

Thomas Markle has spoken out again in an interview in an attempt to see his grandchildren for the first time.

Meghan’s father, 79, appeared on Good Morning Britain today in an exclusive interview about his daughter and Prince Harry.

Mr Markle begged Meghan to let him see his grandchildren, adding that he has not seen her for five years since he was in a hospital bed.

‘My heart is broken. I am very sad. This is a cruel thing to do to a grandparent: to deny the right to see a grandchild,” he said.

“I can sue in California to see them, but I don’t want to do that. The other thing is that I didn’t do anything wrong. There’s nothing to suggest I’m a bad guy.

Thomas Markle (pictured) has spoken out again in an interview in a bid to see his grandchildren for the first time

Thomas Markle appeared on GMB this morning to speak about his daughter Meghan on air

Meghan’s father, 79, appeared on Good Morning Britain in an exclusive interview about his daughter and Prince Harry

“I’m a very loving father and she knows it, and there’s no excuse for treating me like that, no excuse for treating grandparents like that.”

Speaking about what Meghan was like before, Mr Markle said: ‘Meghan lived with me from sixth form to high school and I’ve never seen anything like it.

‘I never saw what kind of woman she became. I am shocked.

“She’s not the person I knew as my daughter.”

When asked if he thought Harry was to blame, Markle said: “I think she has more influence on Harry than he has on her.

‘I’m always there for her, I still love her, I’ll love her forever. That will never change, but I want her to contact me and show me my grandchildren and give me a little peace.

“People go to prison for five years and are forgiven; I have done nothing. So forgive me, I guess.”

He added: “I would always apologize for anything I did wrong. I’m sorry if that’s the case.’

Meghan’s father compared himself to King Charles and said they both no longer have contact with their grandchildren. “King Charles has done nothing wrong either and the children are being denied him just as much as I am,” he said.

Meghan Markle’s father Thomas Snr (centre with son Tom Jr, right, and daughter Samantha, left), who stayed up all night watching the ceremony on TV at his home in Rosarito, Mexico, told the Mail on Sunday he believed that ‘it was so’. for the best’ that the Duchess stayed at home

Prince Harry looks at his brother Prince William in the front row during the coronation of their father, King Charles III, at Westminster Abbey

Of his daughter, Mr. Markle said, “She has always been very sweet and talented. Very loving, she always was in the past, I don’t know anymore.’

In a very short clip used to follow the sit-down interview, Mr Markle revealed that he thinks the royal couple are responsible for the lack of contact.

Mr. Markle told them he longs to meet his grandchildren before he dies. He also said he didn’t think William and Harry would reunite.

He said: ‘I’m open to it at any time, but I don’t see it coming.

‘He is not open to peaceful solutions, I don’t think.

“And I don’t think Meghan is either. Unless they’re both on board, it’s not going to happen.”

Mr Markle last spoke out in May, after Harry made a whistle-stop visit to Britain for King Charles’ coronation.

The 79-year-old said he stayed up all night watching the ceremony on TV at his home in Rosarito, Mexico.

He told the Mail on Sunday that he believed ‘it was for the best’ that the Duchess stayed at home.

Prince Harry flashed a Hollywood-worthy smile at Heathrow as he prepared to fly back to California after an awkward appearance at his father’s coronation

He continued: “There are too many disagreements between Meghan, Harry and the Royals.

‘It was wonderful to see the good people of Britain welcome their new King and Queen.’

Prince Harry slipped out of Westminster Abbey – escorted by a Metropolitan Police escort and four outriders – with just a brief goodbye and headed straight for Heathrow Airport.

He rushed from the service to the airport in a blacked-out BMW, accompanied by a Metropolitan Police escort and four outriders, where he was taken to the VIP Windsor Suite.

After just 28 hours and 42 minutes in Britain, he was back on a plane to California before his father and stepmother had even finished taking their official portraits.

And it seems Meghan also wanted to avoid the ‘drama’ of returning to Britain.

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