Megan Marx, star of The Bachelor, reveals that she has been diagnosed with a degenerative neurological disease

Megan Marx, 33, Reveals She Was Diagnosed With A Rare Degenerative Neurological Disease

Megan Marx has been diagnosed with a rare degenerative neurological disease called spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA6).

The Bachelor star, 33, shared her heartbreaking diagnosis in an Instagram post on Sunday, while assuring fans that she remains optimistic.

‘Waiting months for the results of the genetic tests, I met with the neurologist on Friday. News shit. Diagnosis. some tears while [Megan’s boyfriend] Keith took over the conversation. ‘F*ck huh!’ she started.

33-year-old Megan Marx, Ms. (pictured) has been diagnosed with a rare degenerative neurological disease called spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA6)

The blonde, who rose to fame on Ritchie Strahan’s 2016 season of The Bachelor, revealed her remarkably positive attitude after learning she will suffer from progressively worsening muscle control issues.

“I am grateful for my physical body right now, in its current state, before neurological degeneration tries to take something from me,” she wrote.

All the screaming about making love and skinny dipping and walking and painting and eating and dancing badly and horrible conversations in bars. I actually feel completely grateful. Many have worse diagnoses. Just a bit of processing to do. A lot to live for, ”she concluded.

She shared her heartbreaking diagnosis in an Instagram post on Sunday, while assuring fans that she remains optimistic.

She shared her heartbreaking diagnosis in an Instagram post on Sunday, while assuring fans that she remains optimistic.

The blonde, who rose to fame on Ritchie Strahan's 2016 season of The Bachelor, revealed her remarkably positive attitude after learning she will suffer from progressively worsening muscle control issues.

The blonde, who rose to fame on Ritchie Strahan’s 2016 season of The Bachelor, revealed her remarkably positive attitude after learning she will suffer from progressively worsening muscle control issues.

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) is a neurological condition characterized by movement problems of late onset and slow progression.

SCA6 symptoms can include coordination problems, stumbling, imbalance, and in some cases, slurred speech.

The rare disorder, which affects 1 in 100,000, is not curable and there is no specific treatment to slow or stop its progression.

What is spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA6)?

Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6) is a neurological condition characterized by movement problems of late onset and slow progression.

It is caused by mutations in the CACNA1A gene and affects 1 in 100,000. In most cases, an affected person has a parent who also has the condition.

The severity of symptoms varies considerably. Early symptoms of SCA6 can include coordination problems, stumbling, imbalance, and in some cases, slurred speech.

As the condition progresses, the sufferer may experience more extreme incoordination of the lower and upper extremities, tremors, and slurred speech. Double vision and other visual impairments may also occur.

In late stages, the sufferer may also have difficulty swallowing.

Although there is no specific treatment to slow or stop the progression of SCA6, there are several therapies that can help control symptoms. SCA6 is not fatal.

Nevertheless, There are several therapies that can help control symptoms.

Megan’s post was inundated with comments from her friends wishing her all the best, including Bachelor star Brittany Hockley, who wrote: “Honey… I’m just a call away if you need anything.”

‘Love you. Thinking of you,’ added Bachelor contestant Jessica Brody.

1672643849 573 The Bachelors Megan Marx shares throwback picture when she was

“I am grateful for my physical body right now, in its current state, before neurological degeneration tries to take something from me,” she wrote.