Meet the world’s ultimate cyborg! California woman has 52 implants in her body that allow her open locks and turn on computers – while one even causes her hand to vibrate


For most of us, having a single metal chip implanted under our skin would be more than enough – but imagine having 52 chips.

California artist Anastasia Sin did just that, and in the process entered her name in the new Guinness Book of World Records.

The functions of her 52 implants include opening locks, finding metal objects, dialing phone numbers, and performing magic tricks, while vibrating one in her hand.

Sen is a magician, stunt performer and “biohacker” – someone who performs body modifications using technology to make life easier.

She said: “I can officially declare that I am the most technologically implanted human in the world!” Since it was the first time, they had to create a new standard category.’

For most of us, having a single metal chip implanted under our skin would be more than enough – but imagine having 52 chips

Anastasia Sin got her name in the Guinness Book of World Records as the person with the largest number of technological implants in the body – a total of 52 implants. Here, Ms. Sen pushes a needle through her arm during the 2016 Amazing Magic Live concert in Las Vegas.

Ms. Sen’s implants include the largest magnet ever implanted in a human body, as well as a sound-transmitting magnet implanted in her ear tragus.

“The largest one is two and a half inches wide and a half inch thick, and its twin is in the other arm,” she said.

The implant she uses most is a chip in her hand that opens the front door to her house.

Nearly half of her implants are microchips, which she programs to give themselves heightened senses and abilities, such as picking locks and operating computers.

Others are magnetic and give her a “sixth sense,” such as sensing live wires behind a wall and whether a transformer or power box is receiving power or not.

“I can tell you if your microwave is leaking a lot of radiation, my hands are shaking,” she said.

“Finding someone’s lost earring has also become very useful over the years.”

Her implants also allow her to perform magic tricks and commemorate her favorite hobbies and her late husband, The Amazing Johnathan.

Dubbed the “Freddy Krueger of comedy”, he was known for his gory tricks including appearing to swallow his eyeballs and twisting his tongue.

“The chip above my heart when scanned will play our wedding,” Ms. Sen said.

Anastasia Sen, magician, stunt performer and bio-hacker, performs a terrifying act of eating fire while in the bathroom

What is near field communications?

Near-field communications (NFC) microchips are designed to transmit information wirelessly over short distances—usually less than four inches (10 cm).

They are similar to radio frequency identification (RFID) products that retailers use to track inventory and shipments.

NFC technology can be used for a number of functions, including sending photos and videos between devices and authenticating door locks.

It is included in most modern smartphones.

“The one on my left wrist calls my daughter’s phone and the one on my right wrist calls my husband’s phone.”

To become a record holder, she had to submit a list of what they do, get an x-ray to show they were there and showcase each one of them.

Although 52 transplants sounds like more than enough for anyone, Ms Sen – who is originally from Canada – is not finished yet and hopes to add more to her collection.

She said she would like to have a near-field communications (NFC) scanner placed in her leg and NFC tags inside her playing cards.

In a game of poker, she would be able to pass the cards along her leg to read them with her eyes closed without the other players knowing what is happening.

“The computer would scan the card and know it was the Queen of Hearts, and send that information to my phone via Bluetooth which would then send that information to a Bluetooth hair piece that would vibrate the magnet in my ear,” she said.

Ms. Sen is part of a global community of biohackers who make improvements to their bodies and often meet at conferences to admire each other’s implants.

One amazing example is Neil Harbison from Spain, who has an implanted antenna attached to his face that allows him to “hear” colors as different musical frequencies.

Meanwhile, the United States is one YouTube user She removed an RFID chip from her Tesla key and implanted it in her arm to make unlocking the car faster.

Sen said: “I can officially declare that I am the most technologically intelligent human being in the world!” Since it was the first time, they had to create a new standard category.

One of the original biohackers was British engineer Professor Kevin Warwick, who obtained a chip in his arm to power his laboratory lights with a wave.

But this practice is highly controversial as many perform surgeries without proper medical assistance, leading to complications such as nerve damage and pain in the long term.

According to Ms Sen, her modifications were surgically performed by a do-it-yourself underground nurse and surgeon.

Approximately half of the implants were inserted using a thick hypodermic needle and plunger, while the remainder were inserted using a scalpel with the skin sutured afterwards.

“I put quite a few things on myself and I had a friend who helped me with things I couldn’t do on my own,” she said.

Once planted, biohackers must monitor them to ensure they do not decompose or break in any way, and if they do they must get out.

Ms Sen said she had to remove and check her implants from time to time, due to the “experimental” chemical coating.

Degradation of implant coatings can expose them to toxic elements found in printed circuit boards, copper wires, and neodymium.

However, not all procedures performed on the bio-hacker’s body were successful.

In one case, she had all her teeth extracted in hopes of replacing them with cyborg dentures that she could put on and take off — a painful process she doesn’t recommend.

Whatever the exact function of dentures, the plan fell apart when her doctor couldn’t fully understand what she wanted.

“I was left without teeth for six months, which caused my lower face to change shape and a slew of problems,” Ms Sen said.

“I gave up my desire to make cyborg dentures.”

An Australian man who inserted a travel card chip into his arm finds himself in court

In 2017, a Sydney man extracted a chip from the Opal Card – the city’s travel card inspired by London’s Oyster – and implanted it in his hand.

The man, Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow (his legal name), was able to put his hand on a card reader to tap it on or off while using Sydney’s transit system.

However, transport officers fined him $200 and found him guilty of traveling without a valid Opal card, even though he had funds in his Opal account and was therefore paying for the trip.

Sydneysider Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow (his legal name) was able to wave his hand to click or pause while using Sydney’s transport network

According to Transport for NSW, tampering with an Opal card is a breach of Opal’s terms of use and means the card is no longer valid for travel.

In June 2018, Meow-Meow successfully appealed the conviction, although he was still forced to pay a $200 fine and $1,000 in legal costs.

In an interview outside a Sydney court, he said: “This whole case wasn’t about money, it was about whether I was right to do what I was doing.”

“I don’t think I breached the Opal system in any way which means I should have been fined.”

He also said that he now travels with an Opal card, and that the chip is still embedded in his arm and no longer works.

(tags for translation) Daily Mail

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